Daily Archives: 19/05/2019

India: New acts of harassment against Ms. Indira Jaising, Mr. Anand Grover and the Lawyers Collective

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 IND 004 / 0519 / OBS 043


May 16, 2019

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a partnership of the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT) and FIDH, requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in India.

Brief description of the situation:

The Observatory has been informed by reliable sources about new acts of harassment against Ms. Indira Jaising and Mr. Anand Grover, human rights lawyers and founders of the Indian NGO Lawyers Collective. Both Ms. Jaising and Mr. Grover are internationally renowned human right professionals who have a long history of engaging with the United Nations (UN) system. Ms. Jaising is a former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and Mr. Grover is a former UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health. Lawyers Collective is a prominent public interest service provider in India with an established record of setting high standards in human rights advocacy, legal aid and litigation.

According to the information received, on May 8, 2019, a Supreme Court bench headed by Chief Justice of India (CJI) Ranjan Gogoi issued a notice in a petition filed on May 6 by an organisation called ‘Lawyers Voice.’ The petition demanded that the Government of India initiate criminal proceedings against Lawyers Collective, Ms. Jaising, and Mr. Grover for the alleged misuse of foreign funding under the 2010 Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA).

The bench issued the notice despite the fact that the petition did not provide any supporting information. The Observatory further recalls that Lawyers Collective’s FCRA was suspended and subsequently cancelled in 2016 – a measure that is being challenged by Lawyers Collective before the Bombay High Court (see background information).

Ms. Jaising recently expressed strong criticism regarding the handling of proceedings in a case that involves allegations of sexual harassment against CJI Ranjan Gogoi by a former Supreme Court employee.

The Observatory expresses its deepest concern for the harassment against Lawyers Collective, Ms. Indira Jaising and Mr. Anand Grover and condemns the use of FCRA to impede legitimate activities of human rights organisations.

The Observatory calls upon the Indian authorities to put an end to all acts of harassment, including at the judicial level, against them and to amend FRCA in a manner that is consistent with international standards of freedom of association, including Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Background information:

On June 3, 2016, the Ministry of Home Affairs suspended the FCRA registration of Lawyers Collective. In addition, the Ministry of Home Affairs leaked the suspension notice to the press before Lawyers Collective received a copy of it. This suspension of the FCRA registration was based on allegations that Lawyers Collective, in particular Ms. Jaising and Mr. Grover, violated FCRA regulations.













Pakistan/UK: Lawyer who defended Asia Bibi named Secularist of the Year

May 18, 2019

Lawyer who defended Asia Bibi named Secularist of the Year

A lawyer who defended a Christian woman who spent eight years on death row for blasphemy in Pakistan has been named as the Secularist of the Year for 2019.

Saif ul Malook, who defended Asia Bibi, was awarded the National Secular Society’s annual prize at its Secularism 2019 conference on Saturday 18 May.

The award presented by the human rights barrister and NSS honorary associate Geoffrey Robertson QC.

Asia Bibi was sentenced to death by hanging for allegedly insulting the Islamic prophet Muhammad in November 2010. Pakistan’s Supreme Court ordered her to be freed in October 2018. It upheld her acquittal in the face of a petition urging its quashing in January.

Malook represented Asia Bibi from 2014 until the end of the process. He has faced death threats from Islamists in response, as have the judges who ordered her to be freed.

He is now handling another blasphemy case involving Shaghufta Kausar, who faces a possible death sentence in Pakistan over a text message that allegedly insulted Muhammad.

Saif ul Malook said:

“Thanks to the National Secular Society for recognising my efforts to secure the acquittal of Asia Bibi.

“To fight blasphemy cases in Pakistan is putting one’s own and families’ lives at risk. The moral support from organisations such as the NSS has given me the courage to take the case of Shaghufta Kausar – another Christian woman on death row on blasphemy charges.

“I assure you that I plan to continue my mission in providing legal aid to all blasphemy victims even in future regardless to the threat to my life.”






Asia Bibi free but another Christian in her cell

Pakistani mother cleared of blasphemy charges, joins her daughters in Canada






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UK: Meet Amal Clooney



Amal Clooney has been sent death threats after representing jailed Maldivian president





https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amal_Clooney (FRANCAIS)

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Turkey: Ministry blocks prosecution of Turkish lawyer beaten by Erdoğan’s bodyguards

May 17, 2019

Turkey’s Justice Ministry denied permission to launch a prosecution against Sertuğ Sürenoğlu, a lawyer who in April was reportedly beaten up by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s security detail in İstanbul after complaining that the presidential motorcade was holding up traffic.

In a written statement the ministry announced the rejection of a request lodged by a prosecutor’s office to charge the lawyer with insulting the president.

While insulting the president is criminalized in Turkey, pursuing prosecution is subject to ministry approval. The decision means the end of the judicial proceedings against Sürenoğlu, who after the incident in April was briefly detained and later put under house arrest by an İstanbul court.

Back in April, Sürenoğlu was beaten up by Erdoğan’s bodyguards after complaining to police officers about the presidential convoy, which had caused traffic gridlock. He claimed he was forced to sign a statement saying he had insulted Erdoğan before being handed over to the police for formal detention.

Ministry blocks prosecution of Turkish lawyer beaten by Erdoğan’s bodyguards


https://www.sozcu.com.tr/2019/gundem/korumalarin-darp-ettigi-avukatin-ev-hapsi-kaldirildi-4824330/ (TURKCE)

https://onedio.com/haber/erdogan-in-korumalari-darp-etmisti-avukat-surenoglu-nun-ev-hapsi-cezasi-kaldirildi-873051 (TURKCE)

http://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/video/video/1363815/Sertug_Surenoglu_nun_gozalti_goruntuleri_ortaya_cikti.html (TURKCE)

https://www.gercekgundem.com/guncel/93339/erdoganin-korumalarinin-darp-ettigi-avukat-surenoglu-olumle-tehdit-ettiler (TURKCE)


Honduras: De varios impactos de bala matan a una abogada y su pareja


Gilma Bautista laboraba como abogada en la Corte Suprema de Justicia (CSJ). Foto: EL HERALDO

Una profesional del Derecho y su pareja fueron ultimados a balazos la mañana ayer cuando se conducían a bordo de una motocicleta en la aldea La Chorrera de este municipio.

Las víctimas fueron identidades pro sus familiares como Gilma Maribel Manueles Bautista (45) y José Manuel Rodríguez Alvarado (26), quienes según relatos iban rumbo al  casco urbano de este término, cuando fueron atacados.

Informes preliminares indican que la abogada quien trabajaba en la Corte Suprema de Justicia (CSJ) en la capital y su pareja fueron tiroteados por desconocidos cuando transitaban por el desolado sector por sicarios quienes se transportaban en una camioneta color negro, los cuales los alcanzaron, por lo queque sin bajarse y sin mediar palabra les dispararon hasta dejarlos sin vida al instante.

Los cuerpos quedaron tendidos uno a la par de otro a la orilla de una carretera de tierra. El hombre se dedicaba a la agricultura, señalaron algunos parientes.

Al lugar llegaron otros familiares del agricultor quienes informaron que éste y Manueles Bautista viajaban seguido a un sector cercano de donde fueron acribillados, ya que según señalaron en ese lugar hay terrenos que estaban siendo peleados por los ahora occisos y otros familiares, por lo que no descartan que el móvil del crimen tenga que ver con esta disputa.




CRÍMENES DE HORROR: El espejismo llamado «seguridad»




Acribillan a pareja en Jacaleapa, El Paraíso



N.B.: Another lawyer has been shot dead in Honduras.  Gilma Bautista was killed while riding a motorcycle, beside her husband

France: Rapport annuel du CNB : 2018, année de l’unité des avocats

le 18 mai, 2019

Rapport annuel du CNB : 2018, année de l’unité des avocats

Le 2 mai dernier, le Conseil national des barreaux (CNB), présidé par Maître Christiane Féral-Schuhl, a publié son rapport annuel 2018. Celui-ci rend compte entre autres des actions, événements organisés et documents publiés par le CNB, pour les avocats, le justiciable, l’égalité d’accès à la justice, et la défense de l’État de droit, tout au long de l’année écoulée. Nous exposons ci-dessous les points importants de ce rapport.

« Faire rayonner notre profession, en France et à l’international et défendre les intérêts de tous les avocats à l’heure où notre exercice professionnel connaît des évolutions profondes » telles sont les ambitions du Conseil national des barreaux, annoncées dans l’avant-propos du rapport d’activité 2018?de l’Institution.

Dans ce document d’environ 70 pages, le CNB retrace 365 jours d’actions au quotidien, de chartes et de rapports publiés, et d’événements organisés. Autant de projets menés par les 80 élus du CNB et ses 75 permanents salariés.

Pour le Conseil national des barreaux, 2018?a d’abord été une année charnière pour la profession d’avocat, car pour la première fois, les avocats se sont exprimés d’une seule voix, notamment au sujet du projet de loi de programmation pour la Justice. Une unité qui a permis « d’éviter le pire, d’obtenir de trop courtes avancées, mais surtout de démontrer aux pouvoirs publics que les avocats [savent] négocier et se mobiliser et qu’il fallait compter avec eux »indique le rapport.

Les instances représentatives des avocats (CNB, barreau de Paris, Conférence des bâtonniersn Syndicat des Avocats de France, etc.) se sont en outre entendues sur des sujets fondamentaux comme la défense des avocats en danger, les droits de la défense, l’avenir de la justice… Une cohésion indispensable pour défendre au mieux les intérêts de tous les confrères et consœurs.




Libya/Tunisia: Euro-Med addresses UN Rapporteur to provide protection

May 18, 2019

Euro-Med addresses UN Rapporteur to provide protection against threats to Libyan lawyer

An urgent letter was sent to Mr. Michel Forst, UN Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders, by the Euro-Med Monitor for Human Rights regarding death threats to Almoaaz Sadek Warshfani, a Libyan lawyer and human rights defender.

Mr. Warshfani ran for his life and left Libya to Tunisia under the cover of the night after he received serious death threats for his role in defending victims of civil war and torture, including detainees held by the government without a legal justification, leaving his family behind.

The Libyan lawyer was kidnapped and warned against his involvement in defending certain human rights-related cases and was asked to stop using the word militias in his radio and press meetings and in courts.

The kidnappers also tried to force him to change his position, and to recognize the armed groups as legitimate security bodies, in addition to denying his previous statements regarding the recruitment of children and minors in those armed groups.

The Libyan judge promised the kidnappers to fulfil these demands immediately after his release, but his house was attacked two days after his release. He decided to leave the country to save his life, leaving by land to Tunisia.

The Libyan lawyer’s family lives under very bad conditions. The daily activities of his wife and children were halted as a result. The wife stopped going to work and the children left their schools because of the incident.



Click to access Libyan-Judge-Complainte-letter.pdf
