Tag Archives: Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan: Three Civil Rights Activists Detained on Unspecified Charges


Police in Kazakhstan’s largest city, Almaty, have detained three civil rights activists on unspecified charges. Abzal Dostiyarov, Marat Turymbetov, and Maira Gabdullina were detained separately on September 22. Dostiyarov’s lawyer Zhanar Balghabaeva told RFE/RL that her client is suspected of violating a law on mass gatherings. Police gave no more details, the lawyer said. Human rights activist Rinat Rafqat said the trio’s detainments were linked to their participation in a rally in front of a court on September 19, demanding the release of imprisoned activist Aigerim Tileuzhan.



https://www.azattyq.org/a/32604611.html (KAZAKH)


Belgium/Kazakhstan: Accusée de blanchiment, la réfugiée kazakhe Bota Jardemalie bénéficie d’un non-lieu


Réfugiée en Belgique, l’avocate kazakhe a fait condamner la banque qui l’accusait pour « procédure téméraire et vexatoire ». La fin d’une instruction commencée en 2016 est toute proche.

C’est la (quasi) issue d’une enquête longue de sept ans. La chambre du conseil de Bruxelles a rendu mardi une ordonnance de non-lieu dans le dossier à charge de l’avocate kazakhe Botagoz Jardemalie. En 2016, la banque kazakhe BTA avait introduit une plainte contre cette ancienne employée, accusée d’avoir aidé l’ex-responsable de cet établissement bancaire nationalisé de force – Moukhtar Ablyazov, réfugié pour sa part en France – d’avoir dilapidé plus de sept… milliards de dollars. Mme Jardemalie était plus particulièrement accusée par BTA d’avoir blanchi une partie de ces capitaux en Belgique, où elle a reçu l’asile en 2013. BTA avait introduit sa plainte pour blanchiment en 2016, confiée au juge d’instruction Michel Claise.

La chambre du conseil a donc accordé un non-lieu à la militante des droits humains, qui avait été perquisitionnée en son domicile bruxellois en présence d’officiels du régime kazakh. Mieux, BTA est condamnée pour « procédure téméraire et vexatoire » à payer 5.000 euros à Mme Jardemalie, selon la décision dont Le Soir a obtenu copie. Tant le parquet fédéral que le juge d’instruction ont demandé l’abandon des poursuites. « Il ressort du dossier répressif que [BTA Bank] a déposé une plainte obscure contre l’inculpée (…), n’a jamais donné suite aux convocations du juge d’instruction (…), a produit  in extremis une dizaine de pièces près de sept ans après le dépôt de la plainte » et enfin, « sollicite une prolongation de l’instruction malgré son inertie durant plusieurs années sans que l’enquête n’ait pu mettre en exergue un commencement de charge à l’encontre de l’inculpée », dénonce la chambre du conseil dans son ordonnance.

Cette affaire avait provoqué, sous la précédente législature, une série de questions à la Chambre peu après la perquisition révélée par Le Soir.







Uzbekistan/Kazakhstan/Kyrgyzstan etc: Majlis Podcast: Lawyers In Central Asia — Defending Clients And Themselves


A court in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, where lawyers often come under fierce pressure from the authorities. (file photo)
A court in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, where lawyers often come under fierce pressure from the authorities.

January 24 was the Day of the Endangered Lawyer and an opportunity to remember the many problems some Central Asian attorneys have to face.

In Central Asia, defendants have a right to an attorney, but state-appointed defenders have a reputation for half-hearted work or, in some cases, even supporting the prosecution in convicting their clients.

Being an independent lawyer willing to defend people who for some reason or another are looked upon as a nuisance or threat by the governments of the region is a hazardous occupation.

Some of these attorneys are intimidated or threatened, some are attacked, and some are imprisoned.

On this week’s Majlis podcast, RFE/RL media-relations manager Muhammad Tahir moderates a discussion on the plight of lawyers in Central Asia.

This week’s guests are: Madina Akhmetova, the director of the Dignity public association based in the Kazakh capital, Nur-Sultan; Jasmine Cameron, who is originally from Kyrgyzstan but is now a senior staff attorney at the Human Rights Center of the American Bar Association; from California, Steve Swerdlow, a longtime Central Asia watcher, recently returned from Uzbekistan, and human rights lawyer who is currently an associate professor of human rights at the University of Southern California; and from Prague, Bruce Pannier, the author of the Qishloq Ovozi blog.



EU: Bring Human Rights to the Top of Central Asia Agenda


European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell in Brussels, Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2020.

The European Union (EU) should set consequences if Central Asian governments fail to meet more ambitious human rights goals, Human Rights Watch said today. The EU’s response to political turmoil, such as in Kyrgyzstan, or to challenges created by the Covid-19 pandemic, should prioritize respect for human rights and the rule of law.

On November 17, 2020, EU top diplomat Josep Borrell will meet remotely with foreign ministers from each of the five Central Asian countries, KazakhstanKyrgyzstanTajikistanTurkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, for the 16th EU-Central Asia Ministerial meeting. It is the first such gathering since Borrell took office in December 2019.

“Central Asian countries’ responses to this year’s crises would have been more effective if they had lived up to their pledges to respect rights,” said Hugh Williamson, Europe and Central Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The EU should be clear that greater support to the region is tied to genuine human rights reforms.”

The new EU strategy for Central Asia, adopted in 2019, equipped the EU to advocate for upholding human rights standards in the region. The strategy is based on the premise that democracy and the rule of law are necessary to make public institutions more responsive and accountable to their citizens.


Until the end of April, Tajikistan denied the existence of Covid-19 in the country. Those documenting the spread of the disease faced retaliation. Over 150 political opponents, critics, or their lawyers remain behind bars for lengthy prison terms on political grounds. Prison conditions remain abysmal; activists report widespread torture and ill-treatment in detention. Critics in exile face attacks and abusive extradition requests, and their families and relatives at home are harassed and detained. Violence against women and girls remains a serious concern.





https://golosadvokata.ru/ (RUSSIAN)

Kazakhstan: Statement on disbarment Sergey Sizintsev

June 26, 2019

Statement on disbarment Sergey Sizintsev

Lawyers for Lawyers is concerned about the recent disbarment of Sergey Sizintsev, a senior partner at the De Facto law firm in Kazakhstan and former Executive Director of the Republican Bar Association.


According to our information, Sergey Sizintsev served as the Executive Director of the Republican Bar Association from 2016 to 2018. In this capacity, he actively criticized the law ‘On the Professional Activities of Advocates and Legal Assistance’, adopted in July 2018, which could undermine the independence of the legal profession in Kazakhstan. Moreover, he made public statements in multiple international and national settings with respect to issues related to the independence of the legal profession and has been critical about the work and functioning of the Ministry of Justice.

On 23 October 2018, Sizintsev was unexpectedly dismissed from his position as Executive Director of the Republic Bar Association. In March 2019, disbarment proceedings against him were initiated by the Ministry of Justice, based on Article 44 of the 2018 law ‘On the Professional Activities of Advocates and Legal Assistance’. The official ground for these proceedings was that Sizintsev from 2016 to 2018 occupied the function of Executive Director of the National Bar Association, while at the same time continuing his legal practice and received salary for both functions.

On 21 May 2019, Sergey Sizintsev was disbarred by the Petropavlovsk Court. The court stated that Mr Sizintsev violated the law ‘On the Professional Activities of Advocates and Legal Assistance’, which would prohibit legal practice alongside paid employment that is not related to educational, scientific or creative activities.

Disbarment Sergey Sizintsev

https://informburo.kz/novosti/advokat-sergey-sizincev-sdal-licenziyu-v-minyust-ne-dozhidayas-resheniya-apellyacii.html (KAZAKH)

http://www.avocatparis.org/mon-metier-davocat/publications-du-conseil/ordre-du-jour-du-14-mai-2019 (FRANCAIS)

Kazakhstan: Kazakh Human Rights Lawyer Suspects Her Dog Was Poisoned

June 5, 2019

 Aiman Omarova (left) believes her dog was killed as a warning. (file photo)

A prominent Kazakh human rights lawyer who aided a woman who helped expose “reeducation camps” for Muslims in neighboring China says she believes her dog was poisoned in a fatal attack meant to frighten her.

Aiman Omarova, who also represents victims of sexual abuse and was a recipient of the U.S. State Department’s International Women of Courage Award for 2018, said that she found her dog dead in the backyard of her home in Almaty early on June 5.

The dog was 5 years old and had been in good health, Omaraova said, adding that he was a friendly pet and that she had never had any trouble with neighbors over him.

“Most likely, my dog was poisoned. And I am confident that it is because of my professional activities,” said Omarova, who filed a complaint with the police.

She said that earlier this year somebody had hung a dead cat on the gate of her home in what she believes was meant as a warning.

Omarova specializes in seeking justice for victims of sexual abuse, mainly women and children, and also represents people who believe they are being prosecuted for political reasons or to stifle dissent in tightly controlled Kazakhstan.




Kazakhstan: Адвоката, критиковавшего поправки в законодательство, лишили лицензии


Адвоката, критиковавшего поправки в законодательство, лишили лицензии

Ранее Сергей Сизинцев неоднократно подчеркивал, что минюст решил отозвать его лицензию из-за его критики в адрес поправок в закон об адвокатской деятельности

Критиковавший поправки в законодательство известный адвокат Сергей Сизинцев лишился лицензии в Северо-Казахстанской области.

«Суд решил исковое ГУ «Министерство юстиции РК» о лишении лицензии на занятие адвокатской деятельностью Сизинцева Сергея Васильевича удовлетворить, лишить Сизинцева С.В. государственной лицензии на занятие адвокатской деятельностью, выданной МЮ РК 8 апреля 2011года. Взыскать с Сизинцева в доход местного бюджета госпошлину в размере Т1263», – огласила во вторник решение судья Петропавловского городского суда №2 Лариса Крюкова.

Иск к Сизинцеву о лишении лицензии на занятие адвокатской деятельностью минюст в лице департамента юстиции СКО подал в феврале. Основанием послужили результаты проведенной проверки на предмет наличия судимости и занятия предпринимательской и иной оплачиваемой деятельностью адвокатами Северо–Казахстанской коллегии адвокатов.


Заявление Президиума Алматинской городской коллегии адвокатов



По делу адвоката Сизинцева назначена служебная проверка

https://www.icj.org/kazakhstan-sergey-sizintsevs-disbarment-is-contrary-to-the-law-and-should-be-revised/ (ENGLISH)

https://www.ccbe.eu/fileadmin/speciality_distribution/public/documents/HUMAN_RIGHTS_LETTERS/Kazakhstan_-_Kazakhstan/2019/EN_HRL_20190325_Kazakhstan_Disbarment-proceedings-against-lawyer-Sergey-Sizintsev.pdf (ENGLISH)

https://www.icj.org/kazakhstan-disbarment-proceedings-against-a-leading-lawyer-sergey-sizentsev-should-be-immediately-dropped/?fbclid=IwAR3iqcBq8OTC5O1wgaLiQkXn6RxOzytlNNfeRdycydWdTBKfpMF7IN1V6TA (ENGLISH)

N.B.: Rights lawyer Sergey Sizintsev has been disbarred.  A complete court decision has not yet been released, but he stated that he will appeal the decision.

Image may contain: textLast week a trial observer with the IBA’s Human Rights Institute attended a court hearing in Kazakhstan. The court heard a case filed by the Ministry of Justice requesting the removal of lawyer Sergey Sizintsev’s license to practice law. Mr Sizintsev was accused of practicing law while holding a paid position as Executive Director of the Republican Bar Association between 2016-2018.

In court, he was represented by 18 fellow lawyers. A day later, the court delivered its judgement for Mr Sizintsev to be disbarred. The court stated that Mr Sizintzev violated the Law on Lawyers’ Activity and Legal Aid prohibiting legal practice alongside paid employment that is not related to educational, scientific or creative activities.

However, the court failed to take into account Article 33 (11) of the same Law, which explicitly allows lawyers to take up paid elective or appointive office in a bar association, Republican Bar Association or international public bar associations.

Mr Sizintsev was unexpectedly dismissed from his position as the Executive Director of the Republican Bar Association in October 2018. While Executive Director of the Republic Bar, Mr Sizintsev was very vocal about the independence of the legal profession in Kazakhstan and actively criticized a highly restrictive draft law proposed by the Ministry of Justice in 2017.

The IBAHRI is concerned about the growing number of incidents of intimidation and harassment of lawyers in Kazakhstan. Following the adoption of the Law on Lawyers’ Activity and Legal Aid in July 2018, the government continues to strengthen its control over the legal profession in Kazakhstan, thus distancing itself from the standards of the international legal community.

(International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute Facebook, 28/05/19)

Kazakhstan: Disbarment proceedings against lawyer Sergey Sizintsev by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan

April 2019



https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-TL7FTDe6jAqNWywe0jzn7-Zpqm6-o9w/view?fbclid=IwAR2C3fzdSM2o5aRVC2PaJJgG0PxFNSB4a_jj8bAQ5418fdWFpTmOZaM4P6s (ENGLISH)

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gxpuld3IlBNPwLHE64BSfYNyTogcW6PK/view?fbclid=IwAR3NbivCf5488mqkFw8mvoTwpoHAISVUodwq9avQCUvKEvPd9rXGBuddK4Q (KAZAKH)


Kazakhstan: UPR Kazakhstan submitted

April 4, 2019

UPR Kazakhstan submitted

On 28 March 2019, Lawyers for Lawyers submitted a report for the Universal Periodic Review of Kazakhstan.


In the report, Lawyers for Lawyers expressed concerns about the newly passed law ‘On the Professional Activities of Advocates and Legal Assistance’ for it could undermine the independence of the legal profession.

Lawyers for Lawyers also highlighted that the Kazakh authorities do not always uphold the necessary guarantees for the proper functioning of the legal profession in practice. Lawyers are regularly subjected to improper interference or attempts to put pressure on them by members of law enforcement agencies or investigative bodies. Furthermore, lawyers regularly sometimes do not have the opportunity to meet with their clients in full confidentiality.

UPR submission Kazakhstan


Lawyer Aiman Umarova: “I Would Give My Life for the Prisoners in Chinese Camps”

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VUKeFaPtpvgI43YJpyMVJata0HJIDK31/view?fbclid=IwAR1Ybsy5QfAXxxS764kH6l3-Yng_OGb7gczjrrDThf4uzauZgCCgv22VgPU (KAZAKH)

https://www.facebook.com/nghrdc/ (KAZAKH)

Kazakhstan: frivolous disbarment proceedings against prominent lawyer Sergey Sizintsev should be immediately dropped, ICJ says

March 6, 2019

Today, the ICJ expressed concern at the initiation of disbarment proceedings by the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan against Sergey Sizintsev, former Executive Director of the National Bar Association and the newly-elected head of the Scientific-Consultative Board of the National Bar Association. 

The official ground for disbarment of Sizintsev is his work as the Director the National Bar Association in 2016-2018 while continuing his legal practice at the same time.

On his facebook public account, however, Sizintsev alleged that this initiative is not related to the officially stated grounds, and that in fact continuing to practice while working as Director of the Bar Association is clearly permitted by the Kazakhstan’s law. Rather, he alleges, he is being pursued for his criticism of the law “On lawyers’ activity and legal aid” as well as his public statements in different international and national fora in regard to issues related to the independence of the legal profession.

The ICJ recalls that freedom of expression and association, in particular, constitute essential requirements for the proper and independent functioning of the legal profession and must be guaranteed by law and in practice.

Kazakhstan: frivolous disbarment proceedings against prominent lawyer Sergey Sizintsev should be immediately dropped, ICJ says


Click to access EN_HRL_20190325_Kazakhstan_Disbarment-proceedings-against-lawyer-Sergey-Sizintsev.pdf

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VUKeFaPtpvgI43YJpyMVJata0HJIDK31/view?fbclid=IwAR1Ybsy5QfAXxxS764kH6l3-Yng_OGb7gczjrrDThf4uzauZgCCgv22VgPU (KAZAKH)