Tag Archives: Lebanon

Lebanese rights lawyer Mohammad Sablouh faces threats and intimidation


Front Line Defenders expresses deep concerns regarding the safety and security of Lebanese lawyer Mohammad Sablouh. Mohammad Sablouh has faced threats and intimidation due to his outspoken advocacy against the unlawful deportation of Syrian refugees, shedding light on violations of Lebanese law and international conventions by the General Security Forces and the Lebanese Army.

Mohammad Sablouh is a Lebanese lawyer and human rights defender. He is the Head of the Legal Support Program at Cedar Centre for Legal Studie, a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the culture of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in Lebanon. Mohammad Sablouh assists victims of torture and arbitrary detention at both the domestic and international level. He has also been actively providing legal support, documenting testimonies and information regarding human rights violations committed against Syrians refugees in Lebanon. Since 2021, as a consequence of his human rights work, Mohammad Sablouh has been facing harassment, threats, and intimidation.

On 7 February 2024, there was an attempted break-in to Mohammad Sablouh’s car parked near his residence in Qubba, North Lebanon, resulting in the disabling of the central lock, though no items were stolen. Additionally, on 21 February 2024, there was another attempt to forcibly enter his vehicle, causing damage to the back door lock. Mohammad Sablouh has also been informally notified about a ‘serious’ file allegedly being prepared against him, following previous accusations by former General Security personnel of ties with Zionism. Moreover, he has received numerous calls and messages from unknown numbers, prompting him to block them for his safety. On 8 April 2023, Mohammad Sablouh submitted a legal complaint requesting from the Lebanese authorities to investigate the source of these numbers.





https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/ar/statement-report/lebanese-human-rights-defender-mohammad-sablouh-faces-threats-and-intimidation (ARABIC)

https://latribune.avocats.be/fr/mohammed-sablouh (FRANCAIS)


France: « L’avocat sur le banc des accusés » (Julie Couturier)


« Ceux qui font souffler un vent de suspicion sur l’indépendance des avocats, ceux qui les menacent, ceux qui les attaquent, affaiblissent l’Etat de droit. » par Julie Couturier, présidente du Conseil national des barreaux

Un jour, ce sont les coordonnées personnelles d’un avocat, qui sont partagées sur le réseau social X, par des adversaires. L’objectif ? Rejouer le procès en dehors du tribunal. Un autre, c’est un journaliste qui met en cause l’indépendance d’un avocat et la liberté qui appartient à chaque justiciable de choisir son conseil. Le motif de cette saillie ? Collusion d’intérêts et magouilles entre amis. Quelques jours plus tard, c’est une magistrate auditionnée par la représentation nationale, qui dénonce la stratégie de défense de certains avocats, au motif qu’elle viendrait « paralyser le cours de l’instruction ». Voire, qu’il existerait une connivence entre ces avocats et leurs clients, en l’espèce, narcotrafiquants.

Et puis chaque jour, il y a l’amalgame entre l’avocat et son client, entre le rôle de l’un et les crimes de l’autre. L’avocat ne devrait plus défendre ni le pédophile, ni l’assassin, ni la fraude fiscale, ni l’escroquerie, s’il veut conserver sa réputation. Condamné à la place de son client avant même de plaider.

Comme si, les avocats l’avaient cherché, comme s’ils l’avaient, au fond bien mérité. Comme si notre statut de profession libérale réglementée, nous offrait le luxe d’un accommodement avec les règles et les lois.

Pourtant, nous sommes dotés d’une déontologie forte qui nous oblige. Nos instances professionnelles ne manquent ni d’autorité, ni de sévérité lorsqu’il s’agit de poursuivre et condamner ceux qui, chez nous, enfreignent les lois. Parce que justement, nous avons conscience des lourdes responsabilités qui sont les nôtres, nous sommes intraitables.

Malgré tout, à notre tour, comme les professeurs, comme les maires, comme les journalistes parfois, nous sommes devenus la cible, de ces hommes, de ces femmes qui se radicalisent sur les réseaux, qui stimulent les haines à coups de mensonges, qui nourrissent les violences. A notre tour, nous sommes victimes, de ceux qui refusent la complexité et la nuance qui fondent pourtant, la Justice des hommes. Comme si, au fond, il ne s’agissait que de nous, alors même que ce sont les fondamentaux qui font tenir notre société debout, qui sont attaqués.






Lebanon: Wassef Haraké convoqué par la justice pour “outrage et menaces à un magistrat”


Le militant et avocat Wassef Haraké a annoncé mardi avoir été convoqué à comparaître devant le juge d’instruction de Beyrouth Assaad Bayram, le 4 juillet, pour “outrage et menaces à un magistrat”.

Cette convocation intervient à la suite d’une plainte déposée à son encontre en février dernier par l’avocat général près du parquet d’appel de Beyrouth Zaher Hamadé, proche du chef du mouvement Amal Nabih Berry.

Réagissant à sa convocation, M. Haraké a estimé dans une publication sur Instagram que ces accusations sont “fausses”. “Nous disposons d’indices et de preuves que nous divulguerons au moment opportun”, a-t-il ajouté, dénonçant une “falsification des dossiers et des faits”. “Vu que ce dossier est lié à l’enquête sur les explosions au port de Beyrouth, ma décision était claire dès le début : je ne me présenterai à aucune audience avant que les personnes poursuivies dans le cadre de cette enquête ne le fassent”, a conclu l’avocat. 

En février dernier, Me Haraké avait confié à notre publication que la plainte déposée à son encontre par le juge Hamadé aurait un lien avec la journée du 26 janvier, au cours de laquelle les proches des victimes des explosions meurtrières au port de Beyrouth et des députés de l’opposition s’étaient mobilisés pour protester contre la décision prise la veille par le procureur général près la Cour de cassation, Ghassan Oueidate, de poursuivre au pénal le juge Tarek Bitar, en charge de l’enquête sur ce drame, et de remettre en liberté l’ensemble des détenus dans cette affaire. Autorisé à entrer au siège du ministère de la Justice après qu’une militante dont il est l’avocat avait été emmenée à l’intérieur du bâtiment, M. Haraké avait été enjoint par un policier d’évacuer les lieux. Devant son refus et l’altercation verbale qui les a opposés, le juge Hamadé avait ordonné que l’avocat soit arrêté.





Lebanon: End unlawful restrictions on lawyers’ right to freedom of expression


The Beirut Bar Association (BBA) must immediately withdraw its arbitrary restrictions on lawyers’ right to freedom of expression and end any related disciplinary proceedings against them, said the International Commission of Jurists today.  

On 12 May 2023, the Beirut Court of Appeal dismissed a petition filed by 13 lawyers seeking to reverse certain amendments to the BBA’s Code of Ethics that the BBA Council had approved without prior debate or justification on 3 March 2023.  

These amendments prohibit Lebanese lawyers from discussing cases pending before the courts, including any pertinent legal questions, on any types or forms of media, and from participating in conferences or giving media interviews, without first obtaining permission from the head of the BBA. The amendments also prohibit lawyers from criticizing members of the BBA Council and its head.  

“ The body in charge of furthering the best interests of the legal profession, including by promoting lawyers’ own human rights, is effectively denying its members the right to the freedom of expression,” said Said Benarbia, ICJ MENA director. “There’s nothing in international or national law that could possibly justify such blanket, arbitrary restrictions on lawyers’ free speech.” 

All practising lawyers in Lebanon are required to be members of the BBA, or the Tripoli Bar Association, both of which are regulated by Lebanese law.  

Lawyers, like all other individuals, are entitled to the right to freedom of expression. The UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers clearly indicate that “they shall have the right to take part in public discussion of matters concerning the law, the administration of justice and the promotion and protection of human rights”.  The BBA amendments run counter to these principles because they effectively prevent any lawyer form participating in such pubic discussion, and shield the BBA from any form of criticism that a lawyer may wish express about it. 

The ICJ is very concerned that the BBA has already enforced these arbitrary restrictions against Nizar Saghieh, a prominent Lebanese lawyer and the executive director of Legal Agenda, a leading non-profit organization, who publicly criticized the amendments and was among the 13 lawyers who had filed a petition before the Court of Appeal challenging them. 




https://menarights.org/ar/articles/lbnan-qrar-qdayy-yshkwl-drbt-lhryt-altbyr-wastqlalyt-almhamyn (ARABIC)


https://esgdata.it/document/OMwTIIgB3Z4vein4SnfG/libano-la-decisione-del-tribunale-232-un-colpo-alla-libert224-di-espressione-e-allindipendenza-degli-avvocati (ITALIANO)

Lebanon: From freedom to restrictions: Lawyers’ battle for freedom of expression


No speeches in the media for any lawyer, except with permission from their syndicate.

This is the outcome of the legal battle fought by lawyers to protect their freedom of expression.

However, the final word came from the Civil Appeals Court, which handles union cases. It issued its decision on the appeal regarding the media appearances of lawyers and affirmed the validity of the amendments made by the Beirut Bar Association.

But what are these amendments? And why did they cause such a stir?

Before March 3rd, obtaining permission for media appearances by lawyers was limited to discussing pending cases before the judiciary.

It was also advisable for lawyers to obtain permission from the syndicate to participate in any seminar with a legal consultancy character.

After March 3rd, it became mandatory for any lawyer to obtain prior authorization allowing them to appear in the media.

These amendments were met with rejection and appeal by the lawyers before the Appeals Court. Consequently, lawyer Nizar Saghiyeh was summoned to appear before the syndicate council.

Beirut Bar Association President Nader Kaspar responded during a press conference to what he called baseless accusations against the syndicate, confirming that the syndicate’s decision came to regulate the chaos occurring in the media appearances of lawyers and that some individuals exploit these appearances for self-promotion.

At a time when freedoms are advancing worldwide, they are receding in Beirut through judicial rulings.




https://bba24.org/ (ARABIC)

https://www.arabnews.fr/node/372346/monde-arabe (FRANCAIS)



Global Legal and Rule of Law Community Stands in Solidarity with Lebanese Lawyer Nizar Saghieh


We, the undersigned bar associations, lawyers, judges, and civil society organizations committed to the rule of law, join from across the globe to denounce the Beirut Bar Association’s recent actions, and to express our solidarity with Lebanese lawyer Nizar Saghieh as he comes under targeting for his exercise of free expression and for his legal defense work. 

On March 3, 2023, the Council of the Beirut Bar Association issued a unanimous decision to amend the code of ethics regulating the work of lawyers without prior debate or justification. The amendment, which constitutes a severe violation of the right to freedom of expression, stipulates that lawyers will only be allowed to participate in a conference or legal seminar, or provide an interview or information to a media outlet, social media outlet, website, or group after soliciting and receiving the permission of the Bar Association President to do so. The amendment, which has since been released in an updated code of ethics booklet, is an alarming overreach in violation of Lebanese domestic and international legal obligations that gives disproportionate oversight to the Bar Association President; egregiously curtails legal defense work, particularly impact, strategic, and rights litigation which require public engagement, campaigning, and advocacy; and threatens to have reverberating impacts on citizen’s access to justice. Thirteen Lebanese lawyers, including executive director of the Legal Agenda Nizar Saghieh, have submitted appeals to challenge the decision. The Beirut Court of Appeals will issue a determination in the case on May 4, 2023. 

In recent weeks, the Council of the Beirut Bar Association summoned Saghieh for questioning without providing justification for his summons; he is set to appear before it on Thursday, April 20. There are serious concerns that this action is intended to lead to Saghieh’s disbarment. Since the summons, Saghieh has also become the target of a harassment campaign on social media, which raises concerns on the potential for escalation. 

Saghieh has a long history of defending individual rights; providing a legal defense for activists and journalists; and leading legal battles to bring about transparency and combat corruption. He has provided critical support for the family members and victims of the Beirut Port Explosion. In addition, he serves as the executive director of the Legal Agenda, a Beirut-based nonprofit which leverages research, media, activism, and litigation “to instigate positive legal change while ensuring its socially fair implementation.” 

This targeting is believed to be in reprisal for Saghieh’s appeal challenging the Bar Association’s overreach, his outspoken stances, and effective legal work to hold the powerful to account. Summoning Saghieh is intended to silence him and has the potential to chill legal defense work at-large and eat away at access to justice for Lebanese citizens and residents more generally. 









https://www.rfi.fr/fr/moyen-orient/20230503-au-liban-la-libert%C3%A9-de-parole-des-avocats-au-c%C5%93ur-du-d%C3%A9bat (FRANCAIS)


Lebanon: Beirut Bar Association under fire as top lawyer faces sanction


  • Nizar Saghieh condemns ‘intimidation’ amid calls for ruling body to back down
  • The controversy deepened as Lebanese lawyer and human rights activist Nizar Saghieh appeared before the association’s council on Thursday

The Beirut Bar Association is facing a chorus of criticism over what are seen as attempts to muzzle lawyers.

The controversy deepened as Lebanese lawyer and human rights activist Nizar Saghieh appeared before the association’s council on Thursday.

Saghieh, who advocates for the independence of the judiciary, was summoned after publicly protesting a decision by the association to prevent lawyers from speaking publicly to the media without authorization.

He faces the threat of sanction, including possible disbarment.

The association also summoned two lawyers on Monday for violating the decision issued several ago.

Lawyers, opposition parties and civil society bodies have condemned the association’s measures, describing them as “an attempt to stop free expression.”

The battle for freedom inside the association has sparked growing public interest.

In parallel to Saghieh’s hearing, several lawyers, activists and journalists protested in front of the association’s headquarters, holding banners saying: “Society’s right to knowledge and justice.”

In a joint statement, Fadlo Khuri, president of the American University of Beirut, and Salim Daccache, president of Saint Joseph University, condemned “the systematic harassment of some human rights activists, journalists, academics and opinion-makers.”











https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1335343/la-tendance-est-a-lapaisement-entre-saghiye-et-le-conseil-de-lordre-des-avocats.html (FRANCAIS)



Lebanon: Beirut Bar Association Seeks to Muzzle Lawyers


Prominent Lawyer Nizar Saghieh Facing Sanction for Speaking Out

Prominent Lebanese lawyer Nizar Saghieh, who heads the local rights-based organization Legal Agenda, faces the threat of sanction – including possible disbarment – for speaking out against the Beirut Bar Association’s decision to arbitrarily and unlawfully limit what lawyers can say in public. Saghieh will appear before the Council of the Beirut Bar Association tomorrow.

The amendments to the Bar Association’s Legal Code of Ethics, approved by the council in March, restrict lawyers from participating in media interviews, conferences, and panels about legal issues, or even discussing such legal issues on social media without first obtaining approval from the bar association’s head. The amendments also restrict lawyers from criticizing members of the Beirut Bar Association’s council, including the president, during council elections. All lawyers who wish to practice in Lebanon are required to be members of the Beirut or Tripoli Bar Associations, which are set up and regulated under Lebanese law.

Saghieh, who publicly protested the decision, was summoned by the council on March 28 and April 4, and he believes that he may be disbarred in retaliation for his criticism.

Thirteen lawyers including Saghieh have appealed the council’s decision, and on May 4 the Beirut Court of Appeals will rule on the legality of the new restrictions. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers has previously emphasized that “codes of professional conduct for lawyers should respect their fundamental rights,” including freedom of expression.

This comes amid an alarming series of actions by Lebanese authorities to muffle free expression.









https://www.hrw.org/ar/news/2023/04/19/beirut-bar-association-seeks-muzzle-lawyers (ARABIC)

https://blogs.mediapart.fr/luciole/blog/190423/appel-la-solidarite-avec-l-avocat-libanais-des-droits-humains-nizar-saghieh (FRANCAIS)








https://esgdata.it/document/_LtQmocB3Z4vein4_6wQ/lassociazione-degli-avvocati-di-beirut-cerca-di-mettere-il-muso-ai-legali (ITALIANO)


Lebanon: Behind the summons of Nizar Saghiyé, a threat to freedom of expression


Me Nizar Saghiyé, human rights lawyer and director of the NGO Legal Agenda, was summoned to appear before the Beirut Bar Council on April 20, 2023, after having expressed his views on the modification of the Code of Ethics. EuroMed Rights, Front Line Defenders, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), in the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, express their support and denounce an attack on freedom of expression.

On Thursday 20 April, the Lebanese lawyer, human rights defender and director of the NGO Legal Agenda Nizar Saghiyé was summoned to appear before the Beirut Bar Council. The summons followed Mr Saghiyé’s criticism of an amendment to the Code of Ethics of the Beirut Bar Association which prevents lawyers from speaking publicly in the media without prior authorisation from the President of the Bar Association.

EuroMed Rights, Front Line Defenders and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), both within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, express their support for Mr Nizar Saghiyé and strongly condemns this summons. Requiring lawyers to obtain prior authorisation from the President of their Bar Association before making any media statements curtails their freedom of expression.

The modification of the Code of Ethics published by the Beirut Bar Association on 3 March 2023, interferes with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which was ratified by Lebanon in 1972. In addition to the ICCPR, the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers makes clear that whilst states bear the primary obligation to protect lawyers, they share this with the bar associations (Principle 25). In addition, Principle 23 states that “Lawyers like other citizens are entitled to freedom of expression, belief, association and assembly. In particular, they shall have the right to take part in public discussion of matters concerning the law, the administration of justice and the promotion and protection of human rights and to join or form local, national or international organizations and attend their meetings, without suffering professional restrictions by reason of their lawful action or their membership in a lawful organization. In exercising these rights, lawyers shall always conduct themselves in accordance with the law and the recognized standards and ethics of the legal profession.”

Currently, the Lebanese government is debating a new media law behind closed doors and there has been an increase in the number of arrests of journalists. Recently the President of the Lebanese Bar Association recently denounced the “chaos and confusion” allegedly created by the proliferation of websites and social networking platforms. This latest summons is a worrying development in an already troubling trend towards limiting freedom of expression of Nizar Saghiyé, the Bar’s lawyers, amongst others.




https://www.fidh.org/fr/themes/defenseurs-des-droits-humains/liban-derriere-la-convocation-de-nizar-saghiye-une-menace-pour-la (FRANCAIS)



https://esgdata.it/document/4Ltem4cB3Z4vein4-8cz/libano-dietro-la-citazione-di-nizar-saghiye-una-minaccia-alla-liberta-di-espressione (ITALIANO)

Lebanon: Cease threats and intimidation of human rights lawyer – UN expert 


Joint letter to the Human Rights Council calling for an international  investigative mission into the Beirut blast | MENA Rights Group

Lebanon must immediately cease the threats and intimidation of Mohammad Ahmad Samir Sablouh, a human rights defender and lawyer who has worked to assist victims of torture, arbitrary detention and Syrian refugees facing deportation, a UN human rights expert said today.

Mr. Sablouh has been targeted by the General Security Directorate and the Government’s Commissioner to the Military Court in relation to his legal work and inputs for a report by Amnesty International on Syrian refugees who had allegedly been arbitrarily detained on terrorism-related charges and tortured in Lebanon.

Military prosecutors requested that Mr. Sablouh’s immunity as a lawyer be lifted, in order to prosecute him under Article 403 of the Lebanese Penal Code for allegedly making false accusations. He and his clients have also been regularly questioned in relation to his work assisting Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

“I am extremely concerned at the use of threats and intimidation that risk undermining the right to freedom of opinion and expression and the legitimate work of lawyers,” said Mary Lawlor, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders.

“The unimpeded work of human rights lawyers and human rights defenders in exposing these violations is crucial.”

The Special Rapporteur will continue to monitor the case and is in contact with the Lebanese authorities on the matter.

