Tag Archives: France

Iran: ‘I am ready to return whenever they say’: Nasrin Sotoudeh on prison, the hijab, and violence in Iran


Exclusive: the human rights lawyer, temporarily released from jail on medical grounds, describes her love for her family, and why she keeps going despite brutal treatment at the hands of the regime

Iran’s Qarchak jail has been called many things: a torture chamber; the worst women’s prison in the world; unfit for humans. Nasrin Sotoudeh uses just one word to describe the nine months she spent there: “Hell.”

Sotoudeh does not speak of the appalling conditions or stench of sewage, the undrinkable water or lack of food, the disease or cruelty of solitary confinement. She simply says: “I am ready to return whenever they say.”

The lawyer and human rights advocate was three years into her sentence of 38 years, alongside 148 lashes, when it was paused on medical grounds after she was diagnosed with a heart condition in 2021.

Her temporary release means she is living at home in Tehran with her husband, Reza Khandan, and son, Nima, 16, but it has not freed her from constant government harassment. The authorities have been relentless in their efforts to silence her, bringing three new cases against her; sentencing her to a further eight years in prison; banning her from practising law and using social media; sentencing her husband to five years; freezing her bank assets; and prohibiting her daughter, Mehraveh Khandan, from leaving the country. The restriction on Khandan, 24, who is now studying art in the Netherlands, has been the only liberty infringement Sotoudeh has successfully fought.

“My family and I have faced constant legal sabotage that the judiciary system brings up against us,” says Sotoudeh, who turns 61 this month.

But it is the regime’s murderous determination to crush all dissent that pains her the most. The deaths of Mahsa Amini in September 2022, and other young women, including 16-year-old Armita Geravand, who was attacked by hijab-enforcing police on the metro, “have been the hardest thing to endure”.

Her medical leave has coincided with the government intensifying its war on women. Mass protests sparked by Amini’s death have been met with violent repression by the authorities leading to hundreds more deaths and thousands of arrests. In the past month video footage of women being forcefully bundled off the streets by the “morality police” emerged as the government ratchets up its efforts to enforce the hijab with a new campaign, named Noor (meaning light); and rapper Toomaj Salehi was sentenced to death for his support of the Women, Life, Freedom movement.








https://www.rfi.fr/fr/moyen-orient/20240427-iran-un-collectif-d-artistes-et-d-avocats-apporte-son-soutien-au-rappeur-toomaj-salehi-condamn%C3%A9-%C3%A0-mortns (FRANCAIS)

https://www.ildubbio.news/cultura/nasrin-sotoudeh-storia-di-unavvocata-lo-spettacolo-al-salone-del-libro-di-torino-he7pimxq (ITALIANO)

France: Macron Should Stand Firm on Rights in China


 French President Emmanuel Macron should lay out consequences for the Chinese government’s crimes against humanity and deepening repression during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Paris, Human Rights Watch said today. Xi’s visit on May 6-7, 2024, will mark 60 years of diplomatic relations between France and the People’s Republic of China, and will likely focus on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, conflict in the Middle East, and trade issues.

“President Macron should make it clear to Xi Jinping that Beijing’s crimes against humanity come with consequences for China’s relations with France,” said Maya Wang, acting China director at Human Rights Watch. “France’s silence and inaction on human rights would only embolden the Chinese government’s sense of impunity for its abuses, further fueling repression at home and abroad.”

Respect for human rights has severely deteriorated under Xi Jinping’s rule. His government has committed crimes against humanity – including mass detention, forced labor, and cultural persecution – against Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang, adopted draconian legislation that has erased Hong Kong’s freedoms, and intensified repression of government critics across the country.

In March 2021, European Union governments unanimously agreed to adopt targeted sanctions against a handful of Chinese officials and entities deemed responsible for the crackdown in Xinjiang. China immediately retaliated with counter-sanctions, which contributed to cooling bilateral relations and the suspension of a bilateral trade deal.

Macron visited Beijing in 2019 and 2023, but refrained from publicly speaking out about the deteriorating human rights situation in the country. He should change course and publicly raise human rights concerns during Xi’s visit, Human Rights Watch said.

Specifically, Macron should urge Xi to end crimes against humanity in Xinjiang and release hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs who remain arbitrarily detained or imprisoned, including Rahile Dawut, a Uyghur academic, and Ilham Tohti, the economist and Sakharov Prize laureate. Macron should press Xi to end Chinese government oppression in Tibet.

Macron should also urge Xi to revoke the two draconian national security laws that Beijing imposed on Hong Kong. As both laws can be applied for actions outside of China, they affect Hong Kong people and registered businesses in France that criticize the Chinese government. Macron should press for the release of jailed Hong Kong pro-democracy leaders including Joshua Wong, Chow Hang-tung, and Jimmy Lai, among others.

Finally, Macron should press the Chinese government to end its relentless repression of peaceful activists across China, including by freeing the human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng and his wife, Xu Yan, arrested in April 2023 on their way to meet an EU delegation in Beijing.









https://www.voachinese.com/a/beijing-attorney-yu-wensheng-marks-one-year-in-detention-20240429/7589546.html (MANDARIN)


https://www.hrw.org/fr/news/2024/05/03/france-macron-devrait-faire-preuve-de-fermete-au-sujet-des-droits-en-chine (FRANCAIS)






Uganda: Environmental lawyer Kato Tumusiine beaten and robbed en route to court








https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2024/01/04/projets-contestes-en-ouganda-et-en-tanzanie-totalenergies-lance-une-evaluation-du-volet-foncier_6209041_3212.html (FRANCAIS)








Cette résolution a été préalablement distribuée aux membres du Conseil de l’Ordre.

Est soumise au vote du Conseil la motion suivante : 

Solidarité du Barreau de Paris face aux violations des garanties professionnelles des avocats au Niger

Le Conseil de l’Ordre du Barreau de Paris exprime sa profonde inquiétude face aux récentes violations du libre exercice de la profession d’avocat et des droits fondamentaux des citoyens au Niger, signalées par l’Ordre des avocats du Niger.

Ces violations interviennent dans le sillage de la création, en septembre dernier, d’une commission anti-corruption par le régime militaire instauré à la suite du coup d’État de juillet 2023, qui a évincé le président élu Mohamed Bazoum. 

Le Barreau de Paris est particulièrement préoccupé par les rapports faisant état d’arrestations arbitraires, de détentions extrajudiciaires et de convocations de citoyens pour des interrogatoires sans la présence de leurs avocats. Selon Oumarou Sanda Kadri, Bâtonnier du Niger, l’accès des avocats à leurs clients lors des interrogatoires est entravé, et les plaintes formulées à cet égard semblent être ignorées par les autorités judiciaires et le ministère de la Justice.

Le Barreau de Paris soutient fermement les efforts de lutte contre la corruption et la criminalité économique. Il insiste également sur le fait que ces efforts doivent être menés dans le plein respect des droits fondamentaux, y compris le droit à un procès équitable, le droit à la défense et le droit d’être assisté par un avocat.







Iran: Law graduate Hasti Amiri and Zia Nabavi started serving one-year prison sentence


On 6 April 2024, woman human rights defender Hasti Amiri began serving a one-year prison sentence. Alongside human rights defender Zia Nabavi, they were charged with “propaganda activities against the state”. This verdict was issued by Branch 26 of Tehran Revolutionary Court in June 2023 and confirmed by Branch 36 in October 2023. The charge stemmed from their advocacy in support of students’ rights and their protests against the poisoning of schoolgirls in Iran.

Hasti Amiri is a woman human rights defender and campaigner for students’ rights who graduated with a law degree from Allameh Tabataba’i University. In 2022, she was sentenced to one year in prison on the charge of “propaganda activities against state” for her advocacy in support of women’s rights and against death penalty. She served seven months in Evin prison from 31 July 2022 to 7 February 2023.

On 25 October 2023, the Iranian United Students Associations announced that human rights defenders Zia Nabavi and Hasti Amiri one year prison sentences on the charge of “propaganda activities against state” were confirmed by Branch 36 of Tehran Revolutionary Court of Appeals. The human rights defenders had been tried in June 2023 on the charge of “propaganda activities against state” due to their advocacy in support of students’ rights and protesting against the poisoning of school girls in Iran.





https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/fr/case/zia-nabavi-and-hasti-amiri-sentenced-one-year-prison (FRANCAIS)

Joint oral statement to Human Rights Council on Belarus


On 19 March 2024, Lawyers for Lawyers, the Law Society of England and Wales, and the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute delivered an oral statement during the interactive dialogue on the interim oral update of the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Belarus in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election and its aftermath. The dialogue took place during the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council.

The statement reads as follows:

The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, Lawyers for Lawyers and the Law Society of England and Wales condemn the escalating pattern of retaliation against lawyers for representing the political opposition and protesters and for upholding the rule of law.

One year has passed since the sentencing of Viasna leaders, Bialiatski, Stefanovic, and lawyer Labkovich following unfair trials and in retaliation against their human rights work.

Since August 2020, at least 134 lawyers have been deprived of their right to practice and 40 lawyers have faced arbitrary detention due to their human rights work and exercising their freedom of expression and association.

We draw particular attention to the case of lawyer Maksim Znak, arbitrarily detained since September 2020. Since 2022 held incommunicado in penal colony No. 3 near Viciebsk, denied access to his family, lawyer, and independent medical personnel.











https://www.avocatparis.org/actualites/bielorussie (FRANCAIS)



41 Lawyers In Iran Arrested In Past Year Under Ongoing Suppression


In the past year, 41 Iranian have been arrested amid ongoing government crackdowns on dissent.

A report published by the Vokalapress website, a specialized news platform focusing on the legal profession of judicial lawyers in Iran, disclosed a list of lawyers who encountered summonses, arrests, criminal convictions, or prolonged imprisonment over the past year (ending in March).

Notable among the lawyers listed are Nasrin Sotoudeh and Saleh Nikbakht.

Nasrin Sotoudeh, a renowned human rights lawyer in Iran, has represented various opposition activists, politicians, and women arrested for violating Iran’s mandatory hijab law.

In 2021, she was recognized as one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. Despite her contributions to human rights advocacy, Sotoudeh has faced harassment and was released on a medical furlough in July 2021.

Saleh Nikbakht, known as the family attorney of Mahsa Amini, received a severe sentence from an Iranian court for allegedly engaging in “propaganda against the regime.”



France: « L’avocat sur le banc des accusés » (Julie Couturier)


« Ceux qui font souffler un vent de suspicion sur l’indépendance des avocats, ceux qui les menacent, ceux qui les attaquent, affaiblissent l’Etat de droit. » par Julie Couturier, présidente du Conseil national des barreaux

Un jour, ce sont les coordonnées personnelles d’un avocat, qui sont partagées sur le réseau social X, par des adversaires. L’objectif ? Rejouer le procès en dehors du tribunal. Un autre, c’est un journaliste qui met en cause l’indépendance d’un avocat et la liberté qui appartient à chaque justiciable de choisir son conseil. Le motif de cette saillie ? Collusion d’intérêts et magouilles entre amis. Quelques jours plus tard, c’est une magistrate auditionnée par la représentation nationale, qui dénonce la stratégie de défense de certains avocats, au motif qu’elle viendrait « paralyser le cours de l’instruction ». Voire, qu’il existerait une connivence entre ces avocats et leurs clients, en l’espèce, narcotrafiquants.

Et puis chaque jour, il y a l’amalgame entre l’avocat et son client, entre le rôle de l’un et les crimes de l’autre. L’avocat ne devrait plus défendre ni le pédophile, ni l’assassin, ni la fraude fiscale, ni l’escroquerie, s’il veut conserver sa réputation. Condamné à la place de son client avant même de plaider.

Comme si, les avocats l’avaient cherché, comme s’ils l’avaient, au fond bien mérité. Comme si notre statut de profession libérale réglementée, nous offrait le luxe d’un accommodement avec les règles et les lois.

Pourtant, nous sommes dotés d’une déontologie forte qui nous oblige. Nos instances professionnelles ne manquent ni d’autorité, ni de sévérité lorsqu’il s’agit de poursuivre et condamner ceux qui, chez nous, enfreignent les lois. Parce que justement, nous avons conscience des lourdes responsabilités qui sont les nôtres, nous sommes intraitables.

Malgré tout, à notre tour, comme les professeurs, comme les maires, comme les journalistes parfois, nous sommes devenus la cible, de ces hommes, de ces femmes qui se radicalisent sur les réseaux, qui stimulent les haines à coups de mensonges, qui nourrissent les violences. A notre tour, nous sommes victimes, de ceux qui refusent la complexité et la nuance qui fondent pourtant, la Justice des hommes. Comme si, au fond, il ne s’agissait que de nous, alors même que ce sont les fondamentaux qui font tenir notre société debout, qui sont attaqués.






Tunisia: Comment briser les avocats ?


Après l’administration, les journalistes, les syndicats, les commerçants et un tas d’autres corporations, le régime de Kaïs Saïed chercher à briser les quelques avocats encore insolents à coups de procès fallacieux.

De tous temps, les avocats ont été en première ligne pour défendre les causes des libertés et s’opposer à l’autoritarisme des différents régimes qui ont gouverné la Tunisie. La période de Kaïs Saïed ne fait pas exception. En dépit du dos rond observé par les deux derniers bureaux du Barreau, il y a une bonne dizaine, voire une vingtaine, d’avocats qui continuent encore à honorer la profession en perpétuant la tradition universelle du militantisme.

Après avoir brisé plusieurs corporations, allant des boulangers et éleveurs aux journalistes des médias publics et magistrats, le régime de Kaïs Saïed tente actuellement de briser les quelques avocats insolents qui l’empêchent de tapisser sa dictature.

Mercredi 27 mars 2024, Abdelaziz Essid, l’un des plus célèbres et performants avocats du barreau tunisien, comparaitra devant la chambre correctionnelle au Tribunal de première instance de Tunis. Il doit répondre au chef d’accusation d’attribution de faits irréels à un fonctionnaire public et atteinte à autrui à travers les réseaux de télécommunication. La plaignante est la ministre de la Justice en personne, le message est on ne peut plus clair. Un comité de défense est immédiatement constitué et exprime son refus des procès vindicatifs et des affaires fabriquées.  Il considère que ce procès piétine le décret-loi portant organisation de la profession d’avocat et annule l’article 47 de ce même décret. Mais comment faire valoir ses droits quand l’adversaire est la ministre de la Justice d’un régime autoritaire qui a prouvé, moult fois, son irrespect total des lois, des procédures et même de la constitution.

On n’est pas encore remis de l’affaire de Abdelaziz Essid qu’une autre affaire vient secouer la corporation, celle de Sonia Dahmani et les motifs sont encore plus risibles. D’après Bassem Trifi, avocat et président de la Ligue tunisienne des Droits de l’Homme, Me Dahmani est poursuivie pour une phrase des plus banales qu’elle a prononcée au cours de l’une de ses chroniques radiophoniques, « Placer les gens en prison n’est pas une réalisation ». C’est surréaliste ? Les Tunisiens se sont habitués à la chose avec ce régime.

Ce qui arrive avec Me Essid et Me Dahmani n’a rien d’une première. Plusieurs avocats, avant eux, ont dû affronter des affaires montées de toutes pièces, voire jetés en prison, comme c’est le cas de Lazhar Akremi, Abderrazek Kilani et Abir Moussi. Il y a même ceux qui ont été condamnés deux fois pour la même affaire, puis incarcérés, comme c’est le cas de Seïf Eddine Makhlouf.








https://www.tap.info.tn/en/Portal-Politics/17279198–lawyers-are-in-no (ENGLISH)


Iran: Ms. Q&A with Nasrin Sotoudeh on Global Solidarity, Her Time in Prison & Being an Optimist


Nasrin Sotoudeh is an Iranian human rights lawyer and activist who has consistently fought for the rights of women, children, religious minorities and others under persecution in Iran. Over the years, Sotoudeh has spent much of her time in prison, having been arrested for protesting Iran’s mandatory hijab law and resisting authoritarian rule. While in custody in 2022, Sotoudeh wrote to Ms. editors detailing the plight of women in Iran and called for global solidarity around women’s rights. 

I spoke with Nasrin and her husband Reza Khandan last month over a Zoom call—arranged by Jeff Kaufman and Marcia Ross, producers of the award-winning documentary Nasrin (streaming on YouTube and Prime Video).

A transcript of the interview is below, edited for clarity. 

Kathy Spillar: Thank you for talking with me today, and thank you both, for everything that you’re doing in the fight for women’s fundamental rights in Iran. It’s inspiring, and we are so honored to be able to cover these issues in Ms

Nasrin Sotoudeh: Thank you so much, dear Kathy. I know how extraordinary your solidarity with us has been over the years during my arrests. It’s very meaningful to be in touch with you. I’m deeply cognizant of what Ms. [and the] Feminist Majority Foundation have done for us.

Spillar: The work that you’re doing is so critical and we know the horrific conditions that you suffer through when you’re in prison. I want you to know that in addition to covering the Woman, Life, Freedom revolution in Iran, we are also working with a coalition here in the U.S, with Iranian and Afghan women pushing the U.N. to define gender apartheid as a crime against humanity.

Beyond working with the coalition here in the U.S., how can we be of greater help? 

Sotoudeh: It’s really important to move forward in a systematic way to make gender apartheid a crime against humanity.

But we women in Afghanistan and Iran are profoundly aware that this is a struggle that we need to wage and win at home. And we certainly learn an enormous amount from what you’re doing on the outside, internationally. What’s taking place in Iran right now is an attempt to reverse the clock and take things back to the conditions before Mahsa [Amini].









https://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/blois/les-avocats-du-barreau-de-blois-mobilises-pour-la-cause-des-femmes (FRANCAIS)

