Tag Archives: Spain

Equatorial Guinea: Joint letter to Equatorial Guinea Bar Association for protection of lawyer Gemma Jones


The International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger, the Consejo General de la Abogacía Española and the Illustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid have sent a joint letter to the Equatorial Guinean Bar Association regarding the situation of Ms Gemma Jones, “taking note of Resolution 63/2023 of the Bar Association of Equatorial Guinea adopting a precautionary measure of temporary suspension of the exercise of the profession of lawyer throughout the national territory of Equatorial Guinea, due to the publication on social networks of comments that would have denigrated the reputation of the Bar Association of Equatorial Guinea“.

Read the joint letter:







Iran: Day of the Endangered Lawyer Jan. 24 (2)


https://kayhan.london/1402/11/04/340578/ (FARSI)

https://www.americanbar.org/news/abanews/aba-news-archives/2024/01/statement-of-aba-president-re-intl-day-of-endangered-lawyer/ (ENGLISH)


Iran: Day of the Endangered Lawyer Jan. 24 (1)


https://iranwire.com/fa/features/124619-%D9%86%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%A8%D8%B1-%D9%BE%DB%8C%D8%B4%D8%A7%D9%86%DB%8C-%D8%B1%D9%88%D8%B2-%D8%AC%D9%87%D8%A7%D9%86%DB%8C-%D9%88%DA%A9%D9%84%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D8%AF%D8%B1-%D9%85%D8%B9%D8%B1%D8%B6-%D8%AE%D8%B7%D8%B1/ (FARSI)




https://iranwire.com/en/news/124626-iranian-authorities-urged-to-stop-persecuting-lawyers/ (ENGLISH)




https://www.letemps.ch/monde/moyenorient/chaque-minuscule-resultat-est-une-victoire-immense-en-iran-les-avocats-face-au-simulacre-de-justice (FRANCAIS)



Iran: Day of the Endangered Lawyer Jan. 24: Update







https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/01/un-experts-urge-iran-respect-and-protect-lawyers (ENGLISH)






https://www.abogacia.es/actualidad/noticias/el-dia-de-la-abogacia-en-riesgo-de-este-ano-estara-dedicado-a-la-situacion-de-la-abogacia-en-iran/ (ESPANOL)



https://www.ildubbio.news/avvocatura/quel-premio-dato-a-nasrin-sotoudeh-e-una-promessa-i-difensori-minacciati-non-saranno-mai-abbandonati-dal-cnf-wwuw4qi8 (ITALIANO)


https://www.rak-berlin.de/das-recht/aktuelles/2024/240109_TbedrAnw.php (DEUTSCH)


https://www.netky.sk/clanok/jeden-den-minisukna-druhy-hidzab-ako-sa-z-moderneho-iranu-stala-islamisticka-republika (SLOVENSKY)


Iran: Fears Grow For Detained Lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, Bruised & Back Of Head Swollen


Fears are growing for the health of detained Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh following fresh details of the violent circumstances of her arrest and current physical condition.

Sotoudeh was among several women who were arrested at the funeral in Tehran on Sunday of teenager Armita Geravand, who died after allegedly being assaulted as they arrested her for not wearing Iran’s obligatory veil.

Sotoudeh’s husband, Reza Khandan has revealed that a group of some 50 police and security personnel charged at the mourners gathered at the funeral, beating some and dragging others across gravestones as they were arrested.

Following a subsequent prison visit, Khandan reported that Sotoudeh had said that she was covered in bruises, that the back of her head remained swollen, and that she was experiencing a prolonged headache.

New York-based freedom of expression champion PEN called on the Iranian authorities to transfer Sotoudeh access to hospital withou delay.

“Sotoudeh suffers from a pre-existing heart condition, the result of previous prison hunger strikes, and must be transferred immediately from Qarchak, where health services are rudimentary, unsanitary, and there is no specialist doctor, to a specialized care facility,” the body said in a statement released on Thursday.

In the same statement, PEN also noted the plight of recent Noble Laureate Narges Mohammadi who has been denied access to her lawyer and medical care for a heart condition because she refused to wear the veil to leave the women’s section of the jail.













https://vokalapress.ir/tag/%d9%88%da%a9%d9%84%d8%a7%db%8c-%d8%af%d8%b1-%d9%85%d8%b9%d8%b1%d8%b6-%d8%ae%d8%b7%d8%b1/ (FARSI)

https://www.ildubbio.news/avvocatura/i-giuristi-di-tutto-il-mondo-si-mobilitano-per-nasrin-sotoudeh-basta-violazioni-dei-diritti-i59nesls (ITALIANO)






https://francais-du-monde.org/2023/11/02/nasrin/ (FRANCAIS)


https://www.abogacia.es/actualidad/noticias/la-fundacion-abogacia-reclama-la-inmediata-liberacion-de-la-abogada-irani-nasrin-sotoudeh/ (ESPANOL)


https://frankfurt.de/de-de/aktuelle-meldung/meldungen/frankfurt-verbeugt-sich-vor-den-frauen-irans/ (DEUTSCH)



https://www.svenskapen.se/senaste-nytt/2023/10/31/iran-sedigheh-vasmaghi-och-nasrin-sotoudeh-attackerade-vid-minnesceremoni (SVENSKA)

https://www.voaindonesia.com/a/penangkapan-pengacara-ham-picu-kemarahan-atas-kematian-remaja-iran/7336832.html (INDONESIAN)

https://lao.voanews.com/a/lawyer-arrest-fuels-outrage-over-iran-teen-s-death-/7336798.html (LAO)

#FreeNasrin #NasrinSotoudeh #DayoftheEndangeredLawyer

France/Senegal: L’avocat franco-espagnol Juan Branco écroué au Sénégal


Arrêté en Mauritanie, Juan Branco, qui était recherché au Sénégal, a été écroué à Dakar. Le juge l’a inculpé notamment pour « attentat » et « complot ».

L’avocat franco-espagnol Juan Branco, recherché au Sénégal, a été arrêté en Mauritanie voisine. Il a été inculpé et incarcéré à Dakar dimanche matin, comme indiqué par des avocats. Lors de son arrestation, Me Branco a décidé de refuser de boire et de s’alimenter, et il a choisi de garder le silence, refusant toute assistance, y compris devant le juge qui l’a inculpé et a ordonné son incarcération. Me Ciré Clédor Ly, qui attendait son arrivée à Dakar avec un autre avocat après son transfert de Mauritanie, a relayé cette information par un message transmis à l’Agence France-Presse.

Le juge l’a inculpé pour attentat, complot, diffusion de fausses nouvelles et actes et manœuvres de nature à compromettre la sécurité publique ou à occasionner des troubles politiques graves, ont dit Me Ciré Clédor Ly ainsi que les avocats parisiens de Me Branco.

Les actes d’attentat sont passibles de peines pouvant aller jusqu’à la réclusion à perpétuité, a ajouté Me Ciré Clédor Ly. Juan Branco a été mis en détention dans une prison du centre de Dakar, a-t-il précisé.

« Ces chefs d’inculpation trahissent la véritable nature de cette procédure, qui n’a pour autre but que de faire cesser les combats judiciaires de Juan Branco », ont dit ses avocats français. Ils ont annoncé la saisine immédiate du groupe de travail de l’ONU sur la détention arbitraire contre « cette procédure gravement attentatoire aux libertés individuelles ». Me Branco s’est fait un nom au Sénégal en prenant part à la défense d’Ousmane Sonko, opposant engagé depuis 2021 dans un bras de fer avec le pouvoir et la justice qui a donné lieu à plusieurs épisodes de violences meurtrières.








https://www.voanews.com/a/french-lawyer-for-senegal-opposition-leader-imprisoned-in-dakar-/7213711.html (ENGLISH)


https://www.rfi.fr/es/m%C3%A1s-noticias/20230806-encarcelado-en-senegal-el-abogado-francoespa%C3%B1ol-juan-branco-que-defiende-a-l%C3%ADder-opositor (ESPANOL)


Morocco expels two Spanish lawyers from Western Sahara


The General Council of Spanish Lawyers has requested the Government, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, to issue a written complaint to Morocco for expel two lawyers from Western Sahara, «without there being any kind of cause that justifies it». The Spanish lawyers Inés Miranda and Lola Travieso, from the International Association of Jurists for Western Sahara, have denounced their expulsion this Saturday from Laayoune where they were going to carry out a mission to verify the situation of human rights in this territory. In this way, the Lawyers urge Sánchez to show her disagreement with this expulsion that she considers “irregular and unjustified.”

The jurists Inés Miranda and Lola Travieso were traveling on a flight from the Canary Islands to El Aaiún on an observation mission endorsed by the Spanish Lawyers themselves. Upon reaching Saharawi soil, the Moroccan forces have denied them the right to leave the plane. A situation that the Spanish Foreign Lawy has already reported through a letter in which considers that the Ministry should formulate a written complaint before the Moroccan authorities for preventing the access of the two lawyers.

“The Moroccan forces have forcibly prevented us from getting off the plane. I have only been able to go down three steps and we had to go back. We were going to meet with different human rights bodies and with the relatives of Saharawi political prisoners,” Inés Miranda told Agencia Efe.

Both lawyers confirm that reported on their trip to the Presidency of the Government; the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, and different Spanish instances. Now, they have warned the competent authorities that, as jurists, they are going to file a complaint and “demand that the Spanish government pronounce on Morocco’s attitude towards human rights observers” in Western Sahara.

The two lawyers have identified themselves as members of the International Association of Jurists for Western Sahara and have shown the Moroccan gendarmes their letters of introduction, but “they have not received any other response,” says Miranda, “other than the immediate expulsion from the Saharan territory.”

The Legal Profession, which has reiterated its support for the work of this association of jurists, whose mission was to “denounce the violation of human rights” in the former Spanish colony, has considered that the department of José Manuel Albares should formulate a written complaint to Morocco for preventing them from entering.




https://www.epe.es/es/internacional/20230603/marruecos-expulsa-juristas-espanolas-mision-observacion-88256958 (ESPANOL)




https://anndz.dz/2023/06/03/%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A7%D8%AA-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A5%D8%AD%D8%AA%D9%84%D8%A7%D9%84-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%BA%D8%B1%D8%A8%D9%8A-%D8%AA%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B9-%D9%85%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%AA%D9%8A%D9%86/ (ARABIC)


USA: Iranian lawyer and human rights activist to receive 2023 Brown Democracy Medal


Nasrin Sotoudeh, an Iranian lawyer and human rights activist who has been called “Iran’s Nelson Mandela” will receive the 2023 Brown Democracy Medal from the McCourtney Institute for Democracy, marking the award’s 10th year.

Sotoudeh has dedicated her legal career to representing opposition activists in Iran, minors facing unfair sentences and women who protested Iran’s mandatory hijab law. Her clients have included Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi and pro-democracy activist Heshmat Tabarzadi.

Because of this work, Sotoudeh has been repeatedly imprisoned by the Iranian government for crimes against the state. She served one sentence from 2010-13 and was sentenced again in 2018 to 38 years and six months in prison and 148 lashes.

“I am deeply touched by the love and kindness that’s behind the Brown Democracy Medal,” Sotoudeh said. “Those of us who are working for democracy in Iran are not doing anything that’s particularly exceptional or distinguished. What is exceptional are the obstacles we’re confronting in Iran.”

Sotoudeh is also a longtime opponent of the death penalty. She co-founded the organization Campaign for Step By Step Abolition of the Death Penalty in 2013 to advocate for legislation that would abolish capital punishment in Iran. In 2022, she received the Robert Badinter Award at the 8th World Congress Against the Death Penalty.


Sotoudeh will not be able to travel to University Park to receive the Brown Medal. Filmmakers Jeff Kaufman and Marcia S. Ross, who made the 2020 documentary “Nasrin,” will accept the award on her behalf at the medal ceremony on Oct. 26.

Kaufman and Ross have known Sotoudeh since 2016 and said they will be honored to share her story with the Penn State community at the award ceremony. In 2021, Kaufman wrote that Sotoudeh reminds him of a young John Lewis leading a march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama.

“Nasrin is a courageous supporter of religious and ethnic minorities,” Kaufman said. “This is a key element that made me want to do the documentary, and it’s one of the reasons she is a great role model for America.”

As part of receiving the Brown Medal, Sotoudeh will write a book about her work and the connection between human rights and democracy that will be published this fall by Cornell University Press.

Established in 2014, the Brown Democracy Medal is funded by Larry and Lynne Brown to recognize new and innovative scholarship or practice in democracy. Both are Penn State alumni, and Larry is chair of the McCourtney Institute’s Board of Visitors.

The award’s previous recipients include the States United Democracy Center, Desmond Meade, executive director of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, and Srdja Popovic, founder of the Center for Applied Nonviolent Actions and Strategies.







https://www.abogacia.es/actualidad/noticias/la-situacion-de-las-mujeres-en-iran-analizada-en-el-consejo-general-de-la-abogacia-espanola/ (ESPANOL)

Senegal/France/Spain: Urgent: L’avocat de Ousmane Sonko, Juan Branco, refoulé (Bassirou Diomaye Faye)


Récemment désigné par le leader du Pastef Ousmane Sonko, l’avocat franco-espagnol Juan Branco, qui devait venir au Sénégal pour plaider pour son client, vient d’être refoulé.

Désigné dans le cadre du procès opposant Ousmane Sonko au ministre du Tourisme Mame Mbaye Niang, Juan Branco va devoir illico presto rentrer en France, selon l’un des responsables du parti Pastef. « Information confirmée : Juan Branco, avocat de Sonko refoulé ! », confirme Bassirou Diomaye Faye.

L’avocat a même confirmé l’information sur son compte Twitter. « Juan arrêté à son arrivée à Dakar », déclare-t-il.








https://www.france24.com/en/video/20230330-senegal-opposition-leader-trial-who-is-ousmane-sonko (ENGLISH)


https://lejournaldelafrique.com/es/juan-branco-larme-mediatico-judiciaire-dousmane-sonko/ (ESPANOL)

Afghan prosecutors brought to Spain call for all Afghan jurists awaiting rescue to be granted asylum





https://www.courrierinternational.com/article/crise-humanitaire-en-afghanistan-l-hiver-est-la-les-gens-meurent-la-famine-menace (FRANCAIS)