Daily Archives: 22/01/2019

Turkey: European lawyers, activists to host events to draw attention to difficulties of Turkish colleagues

January 22, 2019

Attorneys and activists from at least 16 European cities including İstanbul on Thursday, the Day of the Endangered Lawyer, will organize various events to draw public attention to difficulties lawyers in Turkey are facing.

One of the organizers, Stuart Russell, a retired law professor and judge living in France, told Turkish Minute in an e-mail exchange that “[we] are continually outraged by the unrelenting repression against our colleagues in Turkey.”

Since a coup attempt in 2016, some 1,500 attorneys have been prosecuted, with nearly 600 of them incarcerated, according to the Arrested Lawyers platform.

Two hundred sixteen attorneys were sentenced to a total of 1,361 years in prison for membership in a terrorist organization.

According to Ankara Bar Association Chairman Hakan Canduran, these lawyers were put under investigation in the first place because some of their clients were terrorism suspects.

Canduran also pointed out that during a two-year state of emergency that was lifted in July, the government issued dozens of decrees to prevent attorneys from defending clients who were charged with terrorism.

Some of the arrested lawyers stated they were subjected to ill treatment and torture during detention.

Five lawyers jailed in Turkey who were detained in 2017 will go on a hunger strike on Thursday to raise awareness of the unlawfulness they have experienced.

“We call upon the Turkish authorities to immediately release all lawyers detained, to unconditionally and immediately drop all charges against lawyers and to cease their orchestrated campaign against the legal profession,” said Russell, who is also editor of the Defend Lawyers blog.

European lawyers, activists to host events to draw attention to difficulties of Turkish colleagues



Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)


http://www.idhae.org/OBSAV-DEL190124-TUR.htm?fbclid=IwAR2lT2R_herNRCBWt1zG_ma-sTKaPBW0id9a1EBmy0Z2LDZk1w6CvqL60iw (FRANCAIS)

https://plus.lesoir.be/202104/article/2019-01-22/lappel-au-secours-des-avocats-turcs-nous-sommes-en-danger (FRANCAIS)


France/Turkey: Journée de l’avocat en danger (Lyon)

le 22 janvier, 2019

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JEUDI 24 JANVIER 2019 : Journée internationale de l’avocat en danger consacrée cette année aux avocats en Turquie.
Le Barreau et la CIBLY appellent à un rassemblement en robe ce jeudi 24 janvier à 13h devant le Consulat Général de Turquie (87, rue de Sèze, Lyon 6e), afin d’appeler les autorités turques à cesser cette vaste opération de répression et de criminalisation des avocats et des magistrats qui font l’objet de sanctions inadmissibles.








Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)






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Burma: Court sets February 1 for final defence arguments in Ko Ni case

January 21, 2019

Yangon Northern District Court has set February 1 for final arguments by defence lawyers in the long-running trial of four people accused over the killing of lawyer and constitutional expert U Ko Ni two years ago.

The final arguments will follow testimony from the defendants’ witnesses.

Ko Ni, a legal adviser to the National League for Democracy, was shot dead outside Yangon International Airport on January 29, 2017.

The court had scheduled defence witness Police Colonel Win Min Thein, who is involved in airport security, to testify on January 18 about an alleged meeting with suspected co-conspirator in the killing, Aung Win Zaw, and accused mastermind Aung Win Khine, at about the time Ko Ni was shot.

However, Win Min Thein, who failed to appear for a second time on January 18, told the court by letter that he did not want to testify because he did not know everything about the case. The court then decided to have Win Min Thein removed from the list of defence witnesses, despite objections from Aung Win Zaw’s lawyer, U Aung Khine.

Aung Khine told the court on January 18 that Win Min Thein was a key witness for the defendant and removing him as a witness would harm the defence case. Aung Win Zaw has testified that he went to the airport on January 29, 2017, to meet Win Min Thein. “He [Win Min Thein] can explain why Aung Win Zaw came to the airport,” Aung Khine said. “But I can’t urge him to testify for the defendant.”




France/Turkey: “La situation des avocats en Turquie” (Bordeaux)

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Journée internationale de l’avocat en danger 2019
Turquie 2019 Turkiye
Le Crépuscule des Droits
Haklarin Alacakaranligi
Le martyr des robes noires
Siyah elbiseler sehitligi

(L’Observatoire des Avocats Facebook, 21/01/19)

http://www.idhae.org/OBSAV-DEL190124-TUR.htm?fbclid=IwAR2lT2R_herNRCBWt1zG_ma-sTKaPBW0id9a1EBmy0Z2LDZk1w6CvqL60iw (FRANCAIS)

https://osce.delegfrance.org/9eme-journee-internationale-de-l-avocat-en-danger-Grave-repression-des-avocats (FRANCAIS)

https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/dans-le-pretoire/dans-le-pretoire-10-novembre-2017 (FRANCAIS)



Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)



Turkey: Tutuklu avukatlar açlık grevine başlıyor


Tahliye edildikten sonra yeniden tutuklanan ve bir yılı aşkın süredir cezaevinde tutulan HHB ve ÇHD’li 5 avukat ’24 Ocak Tehlikedeki Avukatlar Günü’nde açlık grevine başlıyor. Avukat Didem Baydar Ünsal, “meslektaşlarının ‘hukuksuzluğa dikkat çekmek için’ açlık grevine başlayacaklarını” söyledi.

Tahliye edildikten 24 saat sonra tekrar tutuklanan ÇHD’li ve HHB’li avukatlar açlık grevine başlıyor. Aralarında ÇHD Genel Başkanı Selçuk Kozağaçlı’nın da bulunduğu 5 avukat, ‘hukuksuzluğa dikkat çekmek’ için açlık grevine başlayacaklarını duyurdu. Bir sonraki duruşma tarihi olan 18-21 Mart tarihlerinde avukatların yeniden hakim karşısına çıkması bekleniyor. Tutuklu avukatlardan Aytaç Ünsal’ın eşi avukat Didem Baydar Ünsal, “Bu derin sessizliğe ses olabilmek için bu adaletsizliği, hukuksuzluğu teşhir etmek için kendi bedenlerini açlığa yatıracaklar” dedi.


Avrupa Demokrat Avukatlar Birliği (AED) ve Dünyada İnsan Hakları ve Demokrasi İçin Avrupalı Avukatlar Birliği (ELDH) ile Avrupa Barosu İnsan Hakları Enstitüsü (İDHAE) tarafından bu seneki “24 Ocak Tehlikedeki Avukatlar Günü” Türkiye’deki tutuklu avukatlara ithaf edildi. 5 tutuklu avukat ise 24 Ocak’ta açlık grevine başlayacak.

Tutuklu avukatlardan Aytaç Ünsal’ın eşi avukat Didem Baydar Ünsal açlık grevine ilişkin şunları söyledi: “24 Ocak Tehlikedeki Avukatlar Günü itibariyle tutsak 5 avukat arkadaşımız açlık grevine başlayacak. Bu derin sessizliğe ses olabilmek için bu adaletsizliği, hukuksuzluğu teşhir etmek için kendi bedenlerini açlığa yatıracaklar. Duruşma gününe kadar bu açlık grevi devam edecek. Duruşmaya da bu şekilde gelecekler.”





https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/case/selcuk-kozagacli-detained (ENGLISH)



Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)


http://www.idhae.org/OBSAV-DEL190124-TUR.htm?fbclid=IwAR2lT2R_herNRCBWt1zG_ma-sTKaPBW0id9a1EBmy0Z2LDZk1w6CvqL60iw (FRANCAIS)






N.B.: Five detained CHD & HHD lawyers, including CHD president Selçuk Kozağaçlı, will begin a hunger strike on the Day of the Endangered Lawyer, on January 24, 2019.

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Spain/Turkey: CONFERÈNCIA ‘L’advocacia amenaçada a Turquia. El Dret de Defensa a Turquia en el marc del Consell d’Europa’ (Barcelona)

Organitza: Comissió de Defensa dels Drets de la Persona i del Lliure Exercici de l’Advocacia,
Advocats Europeus Demòcrates – AED i la Fundació del Dia de l’Advocat Amenaçat.
Dijous 24 de gener de 2019
A les 18.50 h
Aula 63 de l’ICAB (6a planta)
(c/Mallorca, 283)

18.50h Presentació:
Robert Sabata i Gripekoven, President de la Comissió de Defensa de l’ICAB
Presentació de La Jornada del Dia de l’Advocacia Amenaçada 2019
19.00h Conferència:
Intervenció de l’advocada turca Neziha Eken
Presidenta del la secció d’Istanbul de la ÇHD (Associació dels advocats i
advocades progressistes de Turquia)
19:45h Debat i Conclusions
Traducció consecutiva: Turc / Català

cartell neziha eken







Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)


http://www.idhae.org/OBSAV-DEL190124-TUR.htm?fbclid=IwAR2lT2R_herNRCBWt1zG_ma-sTKaPBW0id9a1EBmy0Z2LDZk1w6CvqL60iw (FRANCAIS)



La Fundación Jesús Pereda junto a CCOO de Zamora y de Palencia mantienen viva la “Memoria de Atocha”, el asesinato hace ya 42 años de cinco abogados laboralistas de CCOO y del PCE por parte de un grupo de pistoleros de extrema derecha.
Una conversación con Alejandro Ruiz-Huerta, uno de las cuatro personas supervivientes, recuperará el significado de aquellos hechos dramáticos y ofrecerá una mirada sindical al presente y hacia el futuro.
Será en Zamora el 28 de enero a las 11h00 y en Palencia ese mismo día a las 19h00, en las respectivas sedes de CCOO.

(Fundación Jesús Pereda de CCOO CyL Facebook, 22/01/19)

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Germany/Turkey: “Tehlikedeki Avukatlar Günü” için Hamburg’da miting çağrısı


1977’de Madrid’de“Atocha Katliamı” diye anılan 4 işçi avukatının katledilmesi nedeniyle, her yıl 24 Ocak’ta anma etkinliği gerçekleştiriliyor.

Avukatların durumu zor

Türkiye’de ne yazık ki avukatların durumu kolay değil çok sayıda avukat tehdit altındadır. Tehdit altında olan avukatların merkezi Türkiye ilk kez olmuyor. 1990’larda, Fuat Erdoğan, Faik Candan, Şevket Epözdemir gibi avukatlar öldürüldü ve sonraki yıllarda orada insan hakları avukatları çalışmak için güvenli ortamda olmadı. Avukatlara karşı saldırılar büyük ölçüde azalmadan devam etti. 2011 yılında, kitlesel tutuklamalar ve kitle denemeleri sürdü. Tutuklu avukatların bazıları iki buçuk yıldan beri tutuklu ve hala yargılanmayı bekliyor.

Mitinge katılın çağrısı

Cumhuriyetçi Avukatlar Derneği (RAV) başta olmak üzere farklı avukat derneklerinin katkılarıyla, “Tehlikedeki Avukatlar Günü 2019, Türk ve Kürt Kökenli Avukatlarla Dayanışma ve Tahir Elçi Anma” adı altında 24 Ocak 2019 tarihinde, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Hamburg Başkonsolosluğu önünde miting düzenleniyor. Saat 13.00’da başlayacak miting Tesdorpfstrasse 18, 20148 Hamburg adresinde gerçekleşecek mitinge herkesin davetli olduğu duyuruldu.





Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)


http://www.idhae.org/OBSAV-DEL190124-TUR.htm?fbclid=IwAR2lT2R_herNRCBWt1zG_ma-sTKaPBW0id9a1EBmy0Z2LDZk1w6CvqL60iw (FRANCAIS)


Norway/Turkey: Mener Tyrkia ikke lenger kan regnes som en reell rettstat


Maria Hessen Jacobsen og to tyrkiske advokater. Foto

I morgen markeres den internasjonale dagen for truede advokater over hele verden. I år rettes fokuset mot Tyrkia. «Tyrkiske advokater er våre helter i dag. Å vie dagen til dem er å feire deres mot, utholdenhet og standhaftighet», heter det i dette innlegget, som er forfattet i fellesskap av Advokatforeningens menneskerettighetsutvalg, Dommerforeningen, ICJ Norge og Politijuristene.

Den Internasjonale dagen for truede advokater er 24. januar. I år er dagen viet våre kolleger i Tyrkia, som daglig utfører sine plikter under trusler og press. Det er bred internasjonal enighet om at de tyrkiske dommernes og advokatenes uavhengighet nå er alvorlig truet og delvis fraværende, og at den tyrkiske rettsstaten er i ferd med å forvitre fullstendig.

Per i dag sitter 594 tyrkiske advokater varetektsfengslet, 216 er domfelt og 1546 er straffeforfulgt. Mer enn 35 advokatorganisasjoner er oppløst. Deres kolleger i domstolene og påtalemyndigheten utsettes for samme forfølgning, det samme gjelder journalister, akademikere og menneskerettsforkjempere.




https://www.advokatforeningen.no/om/om-medlemskapet/english/the-norwegian-bar-association/ (ENGLISH)

https://www.advokatforeningen.no/globalassets/rettssaksobservasjon_tyrkia_mai_2018_-_menneskerettighetsutvalget_v__maria_hessen_jacobsen.pdf (ENGLISH)



Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)


http://www.idhae.org/OBSAV-DEL190124-TUR.htm?fbclid=IwAR2lT2R_herNRCBWt1zG_ma-sTKaPBW0id9a1EBmy0Z2LDZk1w6CvqL60iw (FRANCAIS)


USA/Turkey: The International Day of the Endangered Lawyer



International Law Section

This January 24th, as we do each year, our Section will pause to consider the International Day of the Endangered Lawyer. This year, the focus is on Turkey due to the recent widespread arrests, detentions and dismissals of members of the legal profession in that country.

To demonstrate our support for the harassed, silenced, pressured, threatened, persecuted, tortured, disappeared and/or murdered legal professionals in Turkey, we call your attention to the following information and materials. By way of background, in the wake of the July 15, 2016 attempted coup, thousands of Turkish judges have been removed from the bench and imprisoned. Turkish prosecutors, and, in particular, bar leaders, have been arrested and jailed. Journalists in Turkey have been similarly attacked, together with thousands of civil servants, teachers, health care workers, police, and military personnel. It is a purge staggering in its breadth.

The FBA is committed to bringing this issue to the fore, and does so under the leadership of the Honorable Delissa Ridgway. Judge Ridgway has coordinated the publication of an official statement to be issued by FBA President Maria Vathis which will bring national attention to this important issue, and cement FBA’s role as a national thought leader raising awareness about serious human rights and rule of law abuses around the globe.

For the benefit of the entire membership, we provide the following links that will serve as a tutorial on the history surrounding this topic:





Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)


http://www.idhae.org/OBSAV-DEL190124-TUR.htm?fbclid=IwAR2lT2R_herNRCBWt1zG_ma-sTKaPBW0id9a1EBmy0Z2LDZk1w6CvqL60iw (FRANCAIS)

http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2019/01/21/97001-20190121FILWWW00283-des-magistrats-francais-denoncent-la-condamnation-infondee-d-un-confrere-turc.php (FRANCAIS)





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Nigeria: Lawyers protest insecurity, killing of colleagues in Bayelsa

January 22, 2019

lawyer killed robbers bayelsa

Dozens of lawyers took to the streets in protest over rising insecurity and the killing of one of their colleagues by armed robbers in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital, on Monday.

The lawyers, who are members of the Yenagoa and Sagbama branches of the Nigerian Bar Association, took what they called a ‘solemn protest walk’ through the streets of Yenagoa.

Decked in black attire, the lawyers also marched to the offices of the state’s Commissioner of Police and the state’s Director of the Department of State Services to register their displeasure at the killing and declining security situation in the state in general and in Yenagoa metropolis in particular.

The lawyers also tasked the security agencies to immediately bring to book, the hoodlums who murdered their colleague, Pumokumo Abel Ozi, who until his death was a member of the Human Rights Committee in the state.

Ozi was killed by armed men suspected to be armed robbers on January 16, at the Opolo end of the Mbiama-Yenagoa Road, just a few metres from the Police Area Command in broad daylight.


Yenagoa Based Lawyer, Pumokumo Abel Ozi Esq., Killed By Armed Bandit

Lawyers protest insecurity, colleague’s killing in Bayelsa


Lawyer killed after Withdrawing money from Bank in Bayelsa

