Daily Archives: 19/01/2019

Belgium/Turkey: Journée de l’avocat en danger (Bruxelles)

le 19 janvier, 2019

Image may contain: 8 people, text




Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)


EU court orders Turkey to follow human-rights treaty





Image may contain: 28 people, people smiling

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Argentina/Israel/Iran: Marking Fourth Anniversary of Alberto Nisman’s Murder, Israel Unveils Memorial to Argentine Prosecutor Who Sought Justice for Iran-Linked Bombing of Buenos Aires Jewish Center

January 18, 2019

Israeli and Jewish leaders on Friday marked the fourth anniversary of Argentine federal prosecutor Alberto Nisman’s murder by unveiling a memorial plaque in his honor at the Ben Shemen forest in central Israel.

Nisman’s body was discovered in the early morning of Jan. 19, 2015 — hours before he was due to unveil a complaint against the former government of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner over its alleged collusion with Iran in effectively exonerating the Islamic Republic of responsibility for the 1994 bombing of the AMIA Jewish center in Buenos Aires, in which 85 people were murdered and more than 300 wounded.

Nisman had been investigating the AMIA atrocity since 2005, with his efforts resulting in the global law enforcement agency Interpol issuing six “red notices”  in 2007 for the Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah operatives believed to have planned the attack.

Kirchner’s government falsely maintained that Nisman’s assassination was a suicide until an independent police investigation in May 2017 established beyond doubt that the prosecutor had been murdered. More recent efforts within Argentina to bring Kirchner — who is now a senator — to trial over both the alleged AMIA cover-up with Iran and Nisman’s murder have so far failed.

Marking Fourth Anniversary of Alberto Nisman’s Murder, Israel Unveils Memorial to Argentine Prosecutor Who Sought Justice for Iran-Linked Bombing of Buenos Aires Jewish Center

Four years on: Fresh calls for justice for Alberto Nisman and the AMIA bombing









https://www.clarin.com/politica/homenaje-alberto-nisman-israel-piden-aclarar-muerte-atentado-amia_0_f4qCOyU_o.html (ESPANOL)

https://radiomitre.cienradios.com/abogado-las-hijas-nisman-sostuvo-lagomarsino-estar-preso/ (ESPANOL)

http://ciberfogon.com.ar/un-ex-director-del-mossad-vinculo-a-iran-con-el-asesinato-de-alberto-nisman/ (ESPANOL)

https://www.diariodemocracia.com/nacionales/197360-homenajes-cuarto-aniversario-fallecimiento-fiscal-/ (ESPANOL)

https://www.enlacejudio.com/2019/01/18/israel-kkl-inaugura-monumento-en-memoria-del-fiscal-asesinado-alberto-nisman/ (ESPANOL)

https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/01/17/argentina/1547746280_821100.html?id_externo_rsoc=TW_CC (ESPANOL)

https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alberto_Nisman (FRANCAIS)



Egypt: Amnesty: Egypt must release rights activist Abdelmonem

January 19, 2019

Egyptian human rights activist Hoda Abdelmonem [file photo]

Amnesty International called yesterday for the Egyptian authorities to immediately release Egyptian human rights activist Hoda Abdelmonem.

In a tweet, the rights group wrote that Abdelmonem had been forcibly disappeared for 20 days before she appeared in court.

Amnesty reported the account of Abdelmonem’s daughter, detailing what happened to her mother: “On 1 November 2018, [Egyptian] State Security forces broke into the house of Hoda Abdelmonem in Cairo at 1:30 am, ransacked it, and took her blindfolded to her mother’s house.”

It added: “While the Security forces searched her mother’s house, she was left blindfolded in a police vehicle. Hoda was then forcibly taken to an unknown destination.”

Hoda’s daughter witnessed her arrest. The officers confirmed to Hoda’s daughter that they belonged to the Egyptian State Security forces, but did not show an arrest warrant or mention the reason for her arrest, or where she was being taken.

Hoda Abdelmoniem is a 60-year-old human rights lawyer who volunteers as a consultant for the Egyptian Coordination for Rights and Freedoms (ECRF), a prominent human rights organisation. In the last five years, Hoda has been documenting human rights violations, including cases of enforced disappearances.

She is also a lawyer at the Egyptian Cassation and Supreme Constitutional Courts, as well as a former member of the National Council for Human Rights and the Egyptian Bar Association.

Amnesty International believes that Hoda’s activism, as well as her being a member of the defence team in several human rights cases, are the reasons behind her arrest.

Amnesty: Egypt must release rights activist Abdelmonem


https://www.hrw.org/ar/news/2019/01/17/326148 (ARABIC)

https://www.hrw.org/fr/news/2019/01/17/egypte-nouvelles-mesures-pour-ecraser-la-dissidence (FRANCAIS)


China: Court in China’s Guangdong Jails Human Rights Lawyer For Five Years

January 18, 2019

Chen Wuquan protests against a reclamation project opposed by local residents in Zhenjiang in an undated photo.

Chen Wuquan was found guilty of “picking quarrels and stirring up trouble” by a court in Guangdong’s Zhenjiang city and sentenced to five years’ imprisonment.

Chen stood trial alongside six co-defendants on Dec. 25, 2018 at the Zhenjiang Economic and Technological Development Zone District People’s Court, his wife Chen Lianjuan said.

His co-defendants were handed jail terms ranging from one year to 18 months in a sentencing decision handed down on Jan. 9, the Weiquanwang rights website reported.

“They allowed the family members of the defendants to sit in on the trial; three relatives per family,” Chen’s wife Chen Lianjuan said. “There was no verdict or sentence announced at the time.”

“They just made recommendations for a sentence of 5-10 years,” she said. “The court informed the lawyers on Jan. 15, and the lawyers told us to go and collect the judgment from the court.”

Chen’s jailing come after he helped residents of Zhenjiang’s Donghai Island to protest against a reclamation project that damaged the offshore environment and affected their livelihoods.

Chen took part in shoreline protests with banners, and initiated an online petition against the project. He and six protesters were detained in February 2018.


Weather the Dark Storm, Persevere for Rule of Law in China — A 2019 New Year’s Message From the China Human Rights Lawyers Group


