Monthly Archives: February 2019

DR Congo: Le sort de Firmin Yangambi rappelé au président Tshisekedi

le 31 janvier, 2019

Le sort de Firmin Yangambi rappelé au président Tshisekedi

Le président du conseil d’administration de l’Ordre des avocats francophones et germanophones de Belgique – soit 8000 avocats – a écrit jeudi au nouveau président de la RDCongo, Félix Tshisekedi, pour lui rappeler le cas de Me Firmin Yangambi, membre du barreau de Kisangani et détenu à la prison de Makala malgré une amnistie le concernant votée il y a cinq ans par les parlementaires nationaux congolais.

Dans sa lettre, Me Jean-Pierre Buyle se réjouit de l’intention exprimée le 25 janvier par M. Tshisekedi de faire libérer les prisonniers politiques. Me Firmin Yangambi, ajoute-t-il « se range sans aucun doute parmi eux ». Au nom de ses confrères, il « conjure » le Président de RDC « de faire exécuter sans délai la loi d’amnistie du 11 février 2014 et d’ordonner la mise en liberté immédiate de Me Firmin Yangambi ».

L’avocat congolais, arrêté en 2009, avait été condamné à mort en première instance, puis à 20 ans de prison en appel, pour « tentative d’organisation d’un mouvement insurrectionel et détention d’armes de guerre » avec deux co-accusés; l’un d’eux sera libéré après l’amnistie.

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France: Djihadistes français : un avocat suspendu après avoir été mis en examen pour financement du terrorisme

le 3 février, 2019

Le conseil de l’ordre a décidé de suspendre l’avocat Bruno Vinay. Il avait remis une somme d’argent à un intermédiaire pour exfiltrer un djihadiste français présent en Irak.

La vieille ville de Mossoul, en Irak, où s’était réfugié un dernier carré de djihadistes dont des Français à la fin de la bataille pour la reprise de la ville, le 11 juillet 2017.

Alors que se poursuit la polémique sur la perspective d’un rapatriement des djihadistes français détenus par les forces à dominante kurde du nord-est syrien et de leurs familles présentes sur place, Bruno Vinay, un avocat mis en examen le 17 janvier pour financement du terrorisme a été suspendu par le conseil de l’ordre. Me Vinay a été relevé provisoirement de l’exercice de ses fonctions sur demande des juges d’instruction d’après un communiqué de ses avocats, Emmanuel Daoud et Laure Heinich, consulté dimanche 3 février par l’Agence France-Presse (AFP).

L’affaire remonte à juin 2017. Me Vinay, qui a notamment défendu des djihadistes français partis rejoindre le groupe Etat islamique (EI), est soupçonné d’avoir à cette période versé de l’argent à un intermédiaire censé exfiltrer un djihadiste français hors des zones tenues par l’Etat islamique en Irak. Selon une source proche du dossier citée par l’AFP, il s’agit de Maximilien Thibaut, un homme originaire de la région parisienne et époux de Mélina Boughedir, une jeune Française condamnée en juin 2018 à Bagdad à la perpétuité pour avoir rejoint l’EI.

Des diplomates français informés selon l’avocat

Reclus avec sa femme et ses enfants à Mossoul, en Irak, il disait être un repenti de l’EI et « exprimait la volonté de se rendre aux autorités irakiennes, pour être jugé, en France ou en Irak », selon le communiqué des avocats de Me Vinay qui récusent toute infraction. Ces derniers indiquent également que Me Vinay était « en contact avec deux journalistes françaises qui proposaient de mettre leur réseau à son service, notamment leur fixeur du côté irakien ». Il aurait informé le parquet antiterroriste, des diplomates français en Irak et le magistrat de liaison de cette volonté de reddition, des courriers restés sans réponse. (ENGLISH)

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The Philippines: Mary Ann Castro family certain her killer was a professional assassin

February 3, 2019

There may be no leads yet to solve the death of former Cebu City assistant prosecutor Mary Ann Castro but if there was one thing certain for Castro’s family, it would be that the gunman was a professional assassin.

In an interview with Straight to the Point anchor and Cebu Daily New Digital columnist Ruphil Bañoc over dyHP on Saturday, Monique Roa, a University of the Philippines law student, said she believed the gunman was an expert and a professional.

Roa based her observation on the initial findings they got from investigators of the Philippine National Police (PNP).

“There were five gunshot wounds. One through her head, the other through her cheek and the third on her neck. Three (sic) more were found on her upper torso. It was deliberate, and there was cruelty to it,” said Roa.

According to Roa, they expect that  authorities will release the result of Castro’s autopsy this coming Tuesday, February 4.

Mary Ann Castro family certain her killer was a professional assassin

NBI-7 looks into cases handled by slain prosecutor Mary Ann Castro

Family seeks justice for Fiscal Castro’s death; authorities urged to conduct deeper probe

Who was Jonnah John Ungab? (TAGALOG)

Zimbabwe: Acts of intimidation against Mr. Okay Machisa, Ms. Beatrice Mtetwa and Pastor Evan Magwarire | Letter

February 1, 2019

Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), a committee of lawyers and other human rights defenders, that promotes compliance with international human rights, the integrity of legal systems and the rule of law through advocacy, legal research and education. LRWC has Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

LRWC objects to Zimbabwe’s failure to respect and protect its citizens’ rights as exemplified by the increasing number of citizens who have been arrested and are facing prosecution for participating in peaceful protests. Also of concern are the numbers of lawyers and human rights defenders who have been threatened, arbitrarily detained and arrested in apparent retaliation for exercising their constitutional rights.

The right to freedom of assembly is a fundamental human right and is guaranteed in section 58 of Zimbabwe’s constitution. Furthermore, section 67 guarantees every citizen the right to political participation to engage in peaceful activities to influence, challenge or support the policies of the government. LRWC encourages you to respect these same rights as a signatory to the African Charter of Human and People’s Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Recent incidents include the acts of intimidation against Mr. Okay Machisa, National Executive Director of the Zimbabwe Human Rights Association (ZimRights) along with his family, and many other ZimRights lawyers. Also of concern is the recent arbitrary arrest and detention of Pastor Evan Magwarire on 16 January 2019, who is facing charges of “subverting a constitutional government” and is scheduled for a bail hearing on 29 January 2019. LRWC is also gravely concerned by the recently revealed attempted deportation of Beatrice Mtetwa, a prominent human rights lawyer, to her country of birth Swaziland during the 2013 harmonized election campaign, reports of rapes of women by Zimbawean security forces, the arrests and arbitrary detention of many Zimbabwe citizens and children as young as eleven years old, and the surveillance and intimidation of human rights defenders both within and outside Zimbabwe on their alleged involvement in the protest.

Zimbabwe: Acts of intimidation against Mr. Okay Machisa, Ms. Beatrice Mtetwa and Pastor Evan Magwarire | Letter

Systematic torture, killings, abductions, assaults — Zim rights commission speaks out (FRANCAIS) (FRANCAIS) (FRANCAIS)

Pakistan/France: Asia Bibi’s lawyer seeking European passport

February 1, 2019

Asia Bibi's lawyer Saif-ul-Mulook (C) has been targeted by death threats in Pakistan since the acquittal of his Christian client on charges of blasphemy

The Pakistani lawyer who secured the acquittal of a Christian woman facing the death sentence for blasphemy is himself seeking protection from European governments, his French lawyer told AFP on Friday.

Saif-ul-Mulook has been targeted by death threats since his the spectacular acquittal of his client Asia Bibi, a labourer from central Punjab province on death row since 2010.

“He is hoping that people will take into account his heroic actions in defending Ms Bibi, given the current circumstances in Pakistan, which led him to exchange his freedom for hers,” Mulook’s lawyer Francois Zimeray told AFP.

“He does not want to seek asylum, but rather to ask for European nationality,” Zimeray said.

Mulook fled to the Netherlands last November after violent protests erupted over the Pakistani Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Bibi’s death sentence from 2010.

He returned to Islamabad on January 26 to defend Bibi as she faced another appeal of the supreme court’s decision, which was rejected on Tuesday.

Bibi, who has been detained in protective custody, is expected to leave Pakistan as well to seek asylum in a North American or European country, and unconfirmed reports have said her children are already in Canada.

The country’s foreign ministry confirmed Thursday that Bibi was free to leave the country after her years-long legal ordeal, which drew worldwide attention to religious extremism in Pakistan.

Even unproven accusations of blasphemy in Pakistan have caused lynchings and murders.

Religious groups have said “they would kill her despite the judgment of the Supreme Court,” Mulook said after the court’s decision Tuesday. “Therefore, I think she should leave the country.”

Aasia Bibi’s Lawyer Seeks European Passport (FRANCAIS) (FRANCAIS) (NEDERLANDS)

Turkey: Day of the Endangered Lawyer January 24, 2019 – Photos

February 2, 2019


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The Hague Supreme Court

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Brussels, Turkish Embassy

Law Society of Ontario Marks the Day of the Endangered Lawyer: Highlights Deteriorating Situation in Turkey






China: Disappearing textbook highlights debate in China over academic freedom

February 1, 2019

A constitutional law textbook written by one China’s best-known reform-minded legal scholars has been pulled from book shops, apparently the latest text to run afoul of a government campaign against “Western influence”.

The author, Zhang Qianfan, a professor at Peking University known for his advocacy of constitutionalism and judicial reform, dismissed any suggestion his writing excessively promoted Western ideas as “utter nonsense”, and said the academic world should not be politicized.

Since taking office in 2012, President Xi Jinping has tightened the Communist Party’s control over society including the legal system and education.

While authorities have not confirmed they ordered the book withdrawn, and no reason for its disappearance has been given, it comes after the government launched a sweeping review of teaching materials.

The Ministry of Education in early January launched a nationwide check on the content of all university constitutional law textbooks, according to posts on the Jiangxi and Zhejiang province Education Ministry websites.

ICJ joins call for UN action on China

Sudan: Lawyer Salahdeen Adam Alnour arrested

February 1, 2019

The National Intelligence and Secretary Service (NISS) has arrested Salahdeen Adam Alnour a lawyer in Nyala, South Darfur State. The arrest came after a sit-in organized by lawyers in Nyala on January 9 in response to the ongoing protests and state repression in Sudan.  Since that time the NISS was looking for him until they arrested him on January 28.

(Facebook, 01/02//19)

Lawyer Wagdi Salih, in detention since December 2018

The National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) arrested Taha Osman Ishaq, a Sudanese  lawyer in Khartoum, after his participation in sit-in organized by Alliance of Democratic Lawyers( independent lawyers group) before the Supreme Court to hand over a memorandum to the Justice in Chief regarding the grave violations against demonstrators, arbitrary arrest, torture and extrajudicial killings , on Tuesday, February 5 .

(Abdelrahman Gasim , External Relations Secretary, Darfur Bar Association) (FRANCAIS) (FRANCAIS)


Lebanon: Face à la mobilisation massive des avocats, un officier de l’armée fait machine arrière

le 31 janvier, 2019

Plus de 200 hommes de loi désirant défendre leur confrère étaient présents à l’audience tenue par le juge pénal unique de Beyrouth.

Quelque 200 avocats étaient mobilisés aujourd'hui au Palais de justice de Beyrouth pour défendre leur confrère attaqué en justice par un officier de l'armée.

La solidarité massive des avocats avec leur confrère Fadi Kahil face à ce qu’ils considèrent comme une atteinte à sa dignité et une offense de ses droits aura porté ses fruits. L’officier de l’armée Fadi Kebbé, qui avait intenté en août dernier une action en diffamation contre M. Kahil, s’est désisté de son droit d’agir, lors d’une audience prévue jeudi au Palais de justice de Beyrouth, pour entendre l’accusé.

M. Kebbé avait porté plainte contre l’avocat pour avoir publié le 11 juillet 2018 un commentaire sur Facebook fustigeant sans les nommer l’officier et son frère -qui l’avaient frappé la veille, lors d’une dispute sur une priorité de passage- et critiquant avec violence « la situation délétère du pays au plan de la corruption et de la sécurité ». Cette plainte avait été rendue possible après que le conseil de l’ordre des avocats de Beyrouth eut estimé que l’incident était survenu en dehors du cadre de l’exercice de la profession.

L’information avait suscité l’indignation de très nombreux avocats, dont 337 se sont portés volontaires pour défendre leur confrère, une mobilisation sans précédent.

Dès 8h30, dans la salle des pas perdus, des dizaines d’hommes et femmes en robe ont afflué vers la salle consacrée aux affaires pénales, alors que l’audience n’était prévue qu’une heure plus tard. Lorsque le juge pénal unique, Bassem Takieddine, a ouvert l’audience, plus de 200 avocats parmi les 337 ayant une procuration de M. Kahil se pressaient à l’intérieur de la salle, et même au dehors. Devant les parties au procès quasiment submergées par la foule, le juge a proposé aux avocats menés par les anciens bâtonniers Issam Karam et Nohad Jabre et des membres du conseil de l’ordre, notamment Aziz Torbey et Imad Martinos, de se faire représenter par quelques-uns seulement, à charge pour les autres de se retirer de la salle. (ARABIC)

Belgium: Lawyer in Jewish museum murder trial defiant after fake gun ‘threats’ (lead)

February 1, 2019

A court sketch made on January 22, 2019 at the Brussels Justice Palace, shows people watching video images during the trial of French jihadist Mehdi Nemmouche, accused of shooting four people dead at a Jewish museum in Brussels on May 24, 2014, allegedly the first Syria jihad veteran to stage a terror attack in Europe. (Igor Preys/BELGA/AFP)

A lawyer for a survivor of the Brussels Jewish museum attack said Wednesday he found a fake rifle in his office after a burglary, denouncing a climate of “fear” and “threats” he would defy.


Lawyer Vincent Lurquin reported his laptop and two files — including one dealing with the deadly anti-Semitic gun attack in May 2014 — were missing from his Brussels office.

“The plaintiff also found on his desk a baseball bat and a replica of a Kalashnikov-type weapon,” the Brussels prosecutors’ office said.

“Advised of the facts, the Brussels prosecutors’ office immediately opened an investigation for burglary and threats using symbols.”

Frenchman Mehdi Nemmouche, 33, is on trial in Brussels charged with shooting dead four people at the museum with a pistol and a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Lurquin, lawyer for survivor Clara Billeke Villalobos, an 81-year-old Chilean artist, said he would not be intimidated.

“Those who want to frighten us will not succeed,” Lurquin told Belgian media.

“We will continue to help (jurors) judge without hatred, without fear. With the threats that may be sent to us, we will not yield to blackmail,” the lawyer said.

“This is also part of the job of being a lawyer,” Lurquin added. (FRANCAIS) (FRANCAIS) (FRANCAIS) (FRANCAIS) (VLAAMS) (VLAAMS)