Daily Archives: 29/01/2019

China: Statement: Demanding an Acquittal of lawyer Wang Quanzhang

January 29, 2019

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, text

(English version below)








[控罪薄弱 判決違反憲法所保障的權利]



[欠缺法理的長期秘密覊押 疑遭酷刑對待]





1. 撤銷有罪判決,改判王全璋無罪並立即予以釋放;
2. 就王全璋所受到的權利侵害提供相應且合適的賠償;
3. 追究「709案」中所有執法人員違法違規行為的法律責任;
4. 停止針對李文足及其兒子的任何形式的打壓。


1. 中國維權律師關注組[China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group]
2. 臺灣聲援中國人權律師網絡[Taiwan Support China Human Rights Lawyers Network]

3. 墨西哥律師協會[Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados (Mexican Bar Association)]
4. 公民黨[Civic Party]
5. 社區前進[Community March]
6. 香港眾志[Demosisto]
7. 香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會[Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China]
8. 香港職工會聯盟[Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions]
9. Human Rights Now
10. International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger
11. 香港天主教正義和平委員會[Justice and Peace Commission of HK Catholic Diocese]
12. 工黨[Labour Party HK]
13. 法夢[Law Lay Dream]
14. 律師助律師基金會[Lawyers For Lawyers]
15. 加拿大律師權利觀察[Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada]
16. 社會民主連線[League of Social Democrats]
17. 左翼廿一[Left 21]
18. 區諾軒立法會議員辦事處[LegCo Office of Au Nok-hin]
19. 郭家麒立法會議員辦事處[LegCo Office of Kwok Ka-ki]
20. 朱凱廸立法會議員辦事處[LegCo Office of Chu Hoi Dick]
21. 萊特納國際法暨正義中心[Leitner Center for International Law and Justice]
22. 國際人民律師協會[International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL)]
23. 國際人民律師協會監督委員會[Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers, International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL)]
24. 華人民主書院[New School for Democracy]
25. 日內瓦律師協會[Ordre des Avocats De Geneve (Geneva Bar Association)]
26. 法政匯思[Progressive Lawyers Group]
27. 英格蘭和威爾士律師協會人權委員會[The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales]
28. 聲援中國律師委員會[The Committee to Support Chinese Lawyers]
29. 民主黨[The Democratic Party]
30. 愛德爾斯塔姆基金會[The Edelstam Foundation]
31. 勞工組[Worker Com]

*聯署名單截至2019年1 月29日17:30,並會持續更新


【Statement: Demanding an Acquittal of lawyer Wang Quanzhang】

On 28 January 2019, the Tianjin Municipal No.2 Intermediate People’s Court (the Court) gave its verdict on a prominent human rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang. Wang was found guilty of “subversion of state power” and sentenced to 4 years and 6 months in prison and 5-year deprivation of political rights. We strongly condemn the conviction and sentence on lawyer Wang Quanzhang by the Court.

Before his arrest, lawyer Wang practiced law at Fengrui Law Firm in Beijing. He has a history of taking on sensitive human rights cases including the cases of Falun Gong and land rights. Since he was taken away by the police on 3 August 2015, he has been denied the access to his family and family-appointed defense lawyers. He has been detained incommunicado, during which he was reportedly tortured and suffered ill-treatment. In January 2016, Wang was accused of “subversion of state power” and his case was subsequently tried on 26 December 2018. Claiming that “due to the state secrets involved in this case”, the Court decided not to hold an open trial for the case.

We maintain that the Chinese government, having imposed a pro-longed incommunicado detention on lawyer Wang, has seriously infringed human rights, domestic law and international treaties including “Constitution of the People’s Republic of China” (the Chinese Constitution), “Criminal Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China” (the Criminal Procedure Law), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), etc.

[The Secret Trial Lacks Fairness]
We are highly skeptical about the grounds of holding Wang’s trial in secret by the Court. The Chinese Constitution stipulates that all trials should be conducted in accordance with the principle of open trial and thus shall be open to the public, except the cases involve state secrets, protection of minors or matters of privacy. Despite the fact that a court is entitled to conduct a closed trial when cases involve state secrets under the Criminal Procedure Law, the abusive use of the broad and imprecise definition of state secrecy against rights defenders in China has long and often been criticized both in and out of the country, and Wang’s case is no exception.

According to “the Johannesburg Principles on National Security, Freedom of Expression and Access to Information” (hereafter “the Johannesburg Principles”), no restriction to the right to open trial should be allowed unless and until evidence is legally sufficient to prove actual harm to a legitimate national security interest, i.e., a country’s existence or its territorial integrity.

Even if it is proved necessary to impose restriction on the right to open trial, the restriction shall only be made “to the extent strictly necessary for the purposes of considering evidence that has been classified as a secret.” The prosecutors have not yet offered legally sufficient evidence to justify the necessity of restricting Wang’s right to open trial. Serious concerns should be raised that the closed trial in this case, without a legal ground, violates the principle of right to open trial set out in the Chinese Constitution.

[Disregarding the Right to legal counsel]

The family-appointed lawyers, Cheng Hai and Lin Qilei, have been disallowed to meet Wang. Nonetheless, the authorities unilaterally appointed Liu Weiguo as Wang’s defense lawyer, disregarding Wang’s right to legal assistance of his or his family’s free choosing .

Articles 7 and 8 of “Provisions on Legally Protecting Lawyers’ Practicing Rights”, which was revised in 2018, clearly stipulate that a defense lawyer shall have the right to meet a defendant. In case where a defendant intends to dismiss the counsels, the defense lawyers can request to meet the client in person as to confirm the termination.

[Weak Evidence against the Rights Enshrined by the Chinese Constitution]

According to the indictment submitted to the Court by the Chinese authorities, the accusations include Wang providing investigative reports on China’s human rights situation to overseas organizations, initiating protests and demonstrations in Jiansanjiang in 2013, and slandering the Chinese government while taking on a so-called “cult” case, claiming the behaviors listed above were sufficient to constitute “subversion of state power.”

We are obliged to point out that the aforementioned accusations undoubtedly are inconsistent with the international standard of “endangering national security”, which fails to respect Wang’s right to demonstration and freedom of speech.

As stated in “the Johannesburg Principles”, the Chinese authorities shall not impose restrictions nor punishment on Wang in the name of “national security” simply due to his exercise of the freedom of expression, amongst others, delivering critical speeches against the government unless and until the evidence is legally sufficient to prove Wang’s behaviors and speeches incited immediate violence for the purpose of subverting state power.

Every Chinese citizen is entitled to two fundamental rights – freedom of speech and freedom of assembly according to the Chinese Constitution. Lawyer Wang, who was accused of “subversion of state power” for his participation in human rights activities, had simply exercised the two legitimate rights he should be entitled to. Therefore, the conviction of Wang is obviously unconvincing as it seriously breaches the Chinese Constitution.

[Prolonged Detention Incommunicado without Legal Basis; Suspected Torture and Ill-treatment]

Wang Quanzhang was detained by the Chinese government for more than 1,200 days before the trial. During the entire detention period, the authorities did not provide a proper account of Wang’s prolonged detention to the public, including Wang’s family and family-appointed defense lawyers. As stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Law, despite the right of the court to extend the detention period upon the approval of the Supreme People’s Court, all courts are obliged to protect a defendant’s right to be free from arbitrary detention which is guaranteed by the Chinese Constitution. Serious concerns are raised over the independence and impartiality of the Court for incessant extension of Wang’s obviously unreasonable detention of more than 1200 days. In addition, Wang’s family and family-appointed defense lawyers had no way to authenticate if Wang had suffered torture or inhumane treatment during the whole procedure.

We express grave concern over lawyer Wang’s personal safety and health condition. We also note that lawyer Wang was forced to take medication for high blood pressure during the detention despite the fact that lawyer Wang had no previous history of chronic illnesses before his disappearance. Considering that some victims of 709 Crackdown was also force-fed medication which led to poor health condition afterwards, we are worried that lawyer Wang might face similar treatment or suffer torture of various levels.

[Constant Harassment and Surveillance on Wang’s Family Members]

Li Wenzu, the wife of Wang Quanzhang, has been relentlessly and perpetually fighting for her husband’s rights in the past three years. She has protested at the Supreme People’s Court for more than 30 times.

The recent head-shaving protest – “We can go bald, but the country cannot be lawless” (我可以无发,你不能无法) – has successfully drawn the international attention. On the one hand, the count has refused to respond to her requests; on the other hand, Li has been placed under constant surveillance and harassment of public security officers. Their child’s right to education was once deprived. It is despicable that the authorities have imposed such restrictions upon human rights lawyers’ family members.

Over the past three years, a number of human rights organizations, lawyers’ associations and even foreign governments all over the world have repeatedly released open letters and statements to call on the Chinese authorities to strictly abide by international human rights treaties, the Chinese Constitution and laws as to protect the fundamental rights of lawyer Wang Quanzhang.

However, not only has the Chinese authorities shown its arrogance and turned a deaf ear to all demands and appeals, but also ultimately imposed severe punishment on the well-known lawyer Wang Quanzhang. These maneuvers have revealed that “the rule of law” in China is just a veneer to deceive the world, while the Chinese authorities hardly has any intention to conform to international treaties as well as the Chinese Constitution and laws. After all, political power has triumphed over law and human rights in China.

We are deeply enraged at this verdict. We reiterate that no verdicts of guilty in Wang’s case shall be accepted in the absence of a fair and open trial, not to mention the 4-year-and-6-month imprisonment. The conviction and sentence on Wang did not go through a just legal procedure, and therefore are unjust in itself. In view of this, we strongly demand the Tianjin Municipal No.2 Intermediate People’s Court to:

1. Repeal the guilty verdict; acquit and Release Wang Quanzhang immediately;
2. Offer corresponding and appropriate compensation for the rights violations against lawyer Wang;
3. Investigate and hold all law enforcers accountable for committing the irregularities and violations of the criminal procedure during 709 Crackdown;
4. Stop any form of suppression against Li Wenzu and their child.

28th January 2019

Initiators: (In Alphabetical Order)
1. China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group[中國維權律師關注組]
2. Taiwan Support China Human Rights Lawyers Network[臺灣聲援中國人權律師網絡]

3. Barra Mexicana, Colegio de Abogados (Mexican Bar Association) [墨西哥律師協會]
4. Civic Party[公民黨]
5. Community March[社區前進]
6. Demosisto[香港眾志]
7. Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China[香港市民支援愛國民主運動聯合會]
8. Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions[香港職工會聯盟]
9. Human Rights Now
10. International Observatory for Lawyers in Danger
11. Justice and Peace Commission of HK Catholic Diocese[香港天主教正義和平委員會]
12. Labour Party HK[工黨]
13. Law Lay Dream[法夢]
14. Lawyers For Lawyers[律師助律師基金會]
15. Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada[加拿大律師權利觀察]
16. League of Social Democrats[社會民主連線]
17. Left 21[左翼廿一]
18. LegCo Office of Au Nok-hin[區諾軒立法會議員辦事處]
19. LegCo Office of Kwok Ka-ki[郭家麒立法會議員辦事處]
20. LegCo Office of Chu Hoi Dick[朱凱廸立法會議員辦事處]
21. Leitner Center for International Law and Justice[萊特納國際法暨正義中心]
22. International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL) [國際人民律師協會]
23. Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers, International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL)[國際人民律師協會監督委員會]
24. New School for Democracy[華人民主書院]
25. Ordre des Avocats De Geneve (Geneva Bar Association)[日內瓦律師協會]
26. Progressive Lawyers Group[法政匯思]
27. The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales [英格蘭和威爾士律師協會人權委員會]
28. The Committee to Support Chinese Lawyers[聲援中國律師委員會]
29. The Democratic Party[民主黨]
30. The Edelstam Foundation[愛德爾斯塔姆基金會]
31. Worker Com[勞工組]

*Updated as of January 29 2019 at 17:30. The list will be continuously updated.

(China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group / 中國維權律師關注組 Facebook, 29/01/19)

Lawyer Wang Quanzhang Sentenced to 4.5 Years




China: At Upcoming Session of Human Rights Council, States Should Pass Resolution to Address Human Rights Violations in the People’s Republic of China | Letter


https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/dossiers-pays/chine/evenements/article/chine-condamnations-de-wang-quanzhang-et-de-liu-feiyue-28-29-01-19 (FRANCAIS)

https://www.nacion.com/el-mundo/politica/abogado-chino-especializado-en-derechos-humanos-es/KHOWMUTHQBBGVD5YIFPPJDJ46E/story/ (ESPANOL)

https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/china-kritik-an-haftstrafe-fuer-wang-quanzhang.1939.de.html?drn:news_id=971386 (DEUTSCH)

http://ildubbio.news/ildubbio/2019/01/29/condanna-farsa-per-wang-quanzhang-lavvocato-dei-diritti/ (ITALIANO)

India: Indians Demand #FreeKoregaon9 Twitter Storm

Image may contain: 9 people, people smiling, text

Join our Twitter storm to
Please join us on Twitter
On February 4th Monday
Tweet all you want with the hashtag 
Time: 8 pm to 10 pm.
Let’s raise our voice for the release of Bhima Koregaon political prisoners

(Facebook, 29/01/19)











Iran: Human Rights Lawyer Mohammad Najafi Facing 19 Years Behind Bars in Iran

January 28, 2019

Najafi Jailed for Demanding Justice for Detainee Who Died in State Custody

Imprisoned human rights attorney Mohammad Najafi was sentenced to two more years in prison in Iran on January 22, 2019—bringing the total number of years he has been condemned to serve to 19.

The sentences have been issued over the course of several trials held over the last few months. In the latest trial at Branch 102 of the Criminal Court in Shazand, Markazi Province, the 43-year-old was also fined four million tomans (approximately $950 USD), his lawyer Payam Derafshan told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI).

Derafshan noted that the sentence was based on comments Najafi had posted on Instagram for which he had already been found guilty and sentenced.

In addition to the three-year prison sentence Najafi has been serving since October 2018, he has also been issued preliminary sentences totaling 14 more years behind bars.

On December 11, 2018, Najafi was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the charges of “collaboration with enemy states through transferring news and information in interviews” (10 years), “propaganda against the state” (two years) and “insulting the supreme leader” (one year) by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court in Arak.

On December 15, Branch 102 of the Criminal Court in Shazand also sentenced Najafi to one year in prison for the charge of “publishing falsehoods in cyberspace with a phone and computer with the intention to disturb public opinion.”

On January 15, 2019, Najafi was transferred from Arak Central Prison to the nearby city of Shazand to face the charge of “disturbing public opinion” in connection with a letter he posted on Facebook on September 8, 2018, criticizing Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei,

Human Rights Lawyer Mohammad Najafi Facing 19 Years Behind Bars in Iran

Imprisoned lawyer Mohammad Najafi Faces More Jail Time While Case is Under Appeal

Sufi Woman locked up with drug offenders in critical health condition


https://www.facebook.com/events/749617858748886/ (FRANCAIS)

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IRAN – 22 janvier 2019
Mohammad Najafi
Condamné quatre fois en quatre mois à un total de 19 ans de prison.

Le 22 janvier 2019, Mohammad Najafi, 43 ans, avocat à Arak, la capitale de la province de Markazi, a été condamné par la chambre 102 du tribunal pénal de Shazand, à deux ans de prison pour avoir «troublé l’opinion publique», dans une lettre publiée sur Facebook le 8 septembre 2018, critiquant le guide suprême Ali Khamenei. Il a également été condamné à une amende de quatre millions de tomans (environ 950 USD).

Cette dernière condamnation porte à 19 ans le nombre total d’années de prison auxquelles il a été condamné en quatre mois.

(L’Observatoire des Avocats Facebook, 29/01/19)

Pakistan: SC rejects review petition against Asia Bibi acquittal

January 29, 2019

The Supreme Court of Pakistan on Tuesday rejected a review petition challenging the top court’s decision to acquit Asia Bibi, a peasant Christian woman enmeshed in a years-long blasphemy row.

A three-member bench headed by Chief Justice Asif Saeed Khosa and comprising Justice Qazi Faez Isa and Justice Mazhar Alam Miankhel took up the petition filed against the top court’s verdict acquitting Asia Bibi of blasphemy charges and setting her free.

Petitioner Qari Muhammad Saalam’s lawyer Ghulam Mustafa presented his arguments before the bench and demanded that a larger bench comprising Islamic scholars be constituted to hear the petition.

Qari Muhammad Saalam had filed a review petition in the Supreme Court Lahore registry through his counsel Ghulam Mustafa Chaudhry, after the apex court acquitted Asia Bibi, who had been on death row since she was convicted on blasphemy charges in 2010.

The petitioner had argued that Bibi confessed to her crimes during investigation, and that a delay in lodging the First Information Request does not imply that the defendant is not guilty of the crime.

The petitioner had also sought to put her name on the Exit Control List till a final decision on the review petition was made.















https://www.bbc.com/urdu/pakistan-47020899?fbclid=IwAR2coYWMaa87uZYggNzKORUTdgODxGgCZ_R_xCgIQuarBoRnBpDeuIIgJhI (URDU)

http://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/2019/01/29/97001-20190129FILWWW00067-pakistan-la-justice-rejette-le-recours-contre-l-acquittement-d-asia-bibi.php (FRANCAIS)

https://www.liberation.fr/direct/element/asia-bibi-pourra-quitter-le-pakistan-la-cour-supreme-rejette-un-recours-contre-son-acquittement_93107/ (FRANCAIS)

https://www.imolaoggi.it/2019/01/29/pakistan-corte-suprema-conferma-lassoluzione-di-asia-bibi/ (ITALIANO)

https://www.diariovasco.com/agencias/201901/29/supremo-paquistani-rechaza-apelacion-1339929.html (ESPANOL)

https://www.nachrichten.at/nachrichten/politik/aussenpolitik/pakistan-lehnt-berufung-gegen-freispruch-von-asia-bibi-ab;art391,3096660 (DEUTSCH)

https://noticias.uol.com.br/ultimas-noticias/efe/2019/01/29/supremo-do-paquistao-rejeita-recurso-contra-asia-bibi-e-a-declara-livre.htm (PORTUGUES)


India: This Mumbai Lawyer Couple Is Opposing Maratha Reservations Despite Threats To Their Lives

January 27, 2019

Advocate Gunaratne Sadavarte moved court against Maratha reservation bill on behalf of his wife Jayashri Patil and since then, the couple has been repeatedly threatened

At lunch break on December 10, 2018, as Advocate Gunaratne Sadavarte walked out of the Bombay High Court, a young man ran up to him, pushed him to the ground, and kicked him viciously on his stomach and chest.

“He was shouting slogans ’Ek Maratha, Lakh Maratha,” Sadavarte recalled, referring to the slogan synonymous with the Maratha protests that have shaken Maharashtra. “Luckily, there were many lawyers in the court premises. They overpowered the attacker and saved me.”

In November last year, the Maharashtra state assembly bowed down to a key demand of the Maratha community by passing a bill to reserve 16 percent reservation in government jobs for the state’s most economically and politically dominant community.

Days later, Sadavarte ( 40) moved court against the bill on behalf of his wife Jayashri Patil (40), who is also an advocate at the High Court. Since then, the couple has been repeatedly threatened allegedly by members of the Maratha community.


Burma: Ko Ni murder trial reaches climax

January 29, 2019

A Yangon court will soon deliver judgment against four men on trial over the killing of NLD legal adviser U Ko Ni, while the alleged mastermind remains at large.

Mourners hold pictures depicting slain lawyer U Ko Ni and taxi driver U Nay Win at their funerals in Yangon. (Steve Tickner | Frontier)

TWO YEARS after the brazen assassination of prominent lawyer U Ko Ni at Yangon International Airport, the failure of the Myanmar Police Force to arrest the alleged mastermind continues to attract public criticism.

Final arguments by lawyers representing the four men arrested over the killing are due to be presented in Yangon Northern District Court on February 1, almost two years after the hearings began in March 2017.

Ko Ni was a constitutional expert, legal adviser to the National League of Democracy and prominent Muslim public figure. He has been credited with masterminding the state counsellor position for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, which allowed her to assume high office in the face of the military-drafted 2008 Constitution, whose provisions barred her from the presidency.

Ko Ni was shot dead while cradling his grandson outside the airport late on the afternoon of January 29, 2017. He had just returned from Indonesia where he had participated in a leadership programme on democracy and conflict resolution as part of a delegation headed by the Minister for Information U Pe Myint.

The suspected mastermind of the assassination, U Aung Win Khine, 47, who faces a charge of premeditated murder, has been declared a fugitive from justice by the court. He is the subject of an Interpol “red notice” issued at the request of the Myanmar police.

The suspected gunman, U Kyi Lin, was arrested almost immediately after the killing. He is also accused of fatally shooting a taxi driver while trying to flee the airport. He has been charged with premeditated murder and the illegal possession and transport of firearms.




Highlights of the U Ko Ni Murder Case

Myanmar: ICJ marks 2nd year anniversary of the killing of lawyer U Ko Ni


Where are the Assassins?



Pakistan: Pakistan court to review acquittal in blasphemy trial

January 28, 2019

Saiful Malook

The lawyer of a Pakistani Christian woman who spent eight years on death row for charges of blasphemy vowed to secure her freedom when the country’s Supreme Court meets Tuesday to reconsider an acquittal announced last year.

Aasia Bibi was released from prison in October but has been under guard in a secret location since then because of death threats from Islamic extremists. Blasphemy against Islam is punishable by death in Pakistan, and the mere rumor that someone has committed blasphemy can ignite lynchings.

If Pakistan’s top court upholds its earlier ruling, Bibi will be free to leave for Canada, where her daughters have already been granted asylum.

Her attorney, Saiful Malook, who has also received death threats and fled the country after her acquittal, is back in Islamabad and will attend Tuesday’s hearing.

“I am sure the review petition … will be rejected,” Malook told The Associated Press on Monday. He said he has asked authorities to provide him with personal security.

The petitioners “have no case against my client, I am sure of that,” Malook added.

The 54-year-old mother of five was arrested in 2009 after being accused of blasphemy following a quarrel with two Muslim farm workers who refused to drink from a water container used by a Christian in a village in eastern Punjab province. A local mob, incited by a cleric, accused Bibi of insulting the Prophet Muhammad. Police arrested her, and she was sentenced to death in 2010.

Her Oct. 31 acquittal led hard-line Islamists to stage nationwide protests for days demanding the re-imposition of her death sentence. Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government promised Bibi would not be allowed to leave Pakistan until her case was reviewed, bringing a halt to protests.

Days later, authorities arrested radical cleric Khadim Hussain Rizvi and several of his followers for organizing rallies against Bibi. The cleric and the others remain in custody pending trial for damaging public property and threatening Supreme Court judges.








SC hears petition against Asia Bibi’s acquittal today




https://www.lepoint.fr/actu-du-jour/a-la-une-ce-mardi-29-janvier-28-01-2019-2289565_781.php (FRANCAIS)

https://www.epochtimes.fr/pakistan-la-cour-supreme-se-penche-a-nouveau-sur-laffaire-asia-bibi-692581.html (FRANCAIS)

https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affaire_Asia_Bibi (FRANCAIS)

https://it.blastingnews.com/cronaca/2019/01/asia-bibi-domani-la-corte-suprema-decidera-sulla-revisione-dellassoluzione-002830115.html (ITALIANO)

https://orf.at/stories/3109446/ (DEUTSCH)

https://www.stichtinghvc.nl/nieuws/nieuwsoverzicht/blog-rechtszaak-asia-bibi-update/?fbclid=IwAR2D8gMtRHw3ErDAm4MvQ3Y6yDIK1c-a9ulHqCai-GanJm2NsFOHB2dPEUc (NEDERLANDS)




Turkey: Jailed head of lawyers’ association allowed to attend father’s funeral in handcuffs

January 29, 2019

Turkish lawyer Selçuk Kozağaçlı, the president of the now-closed Progressive Lawyers’ Association (ÇHD) who has been behind bars since November 2017 on terrorism charges, was allowed to attend the funeral of his father on Saturday in handcuffs.

The funeral of Kozağaçlı’s father, Ayhan Kozağaçlı, was held over the weekend in the central Turkish province of Konya. During the funeral Kozağaçlı’s left hand was handcuffed to the right hand of a person in civilian clothes, apparently a measure taken by the prison administration to prevent him from escaping.

The treatment received by Kozağaçlı attracted criticism on social media, with many interpreting it as the punishment of a lawyer due to his critical views of the government.

A tweet posted by the ÇHD, which was closed down by the Turkish government in the aftermath of a failed coup attempt in Turkey on July 15, 2016, said: “Your handcuffs will not be sufficient. We will win.”

Kozağaçlı angered the government by representing two academics who were fired from their jobs by government decrees, victims of a mine disaster in Soma and many other persecuted people.

In a speech he made at the Ankara Bar Association’s general assembly on Oct. 16, 2016, Kozağaçlı revealed that people imprisoned as part of a government crackdown on the Gülen movement were being systematically tortured in the most barbaric ways including rape, removal of nails and the insertion of objects into their anuses.

Jailed head of lawyers association allowed to attend father’s funeral in handcuffs



Eren Keskin, MEA nominee 2019, speaks out fearlessly: Turkey more oppressive today than ever


http://www.izmirbarosu.org.tr/HaberDetay/1447/av-selcuk-kozagacli-nin-tamamen-keyfi-sekilde-kelepcelenerek-babasinin-cenazesine-getirilmesi-hukuken-ve-vicdanen-kabul-edilebilir-degildir.aspx?fbclid=IwAR1jAqRW-OuVDeU7oVRFNtmYjwZJd0NlrQHTSjP3hIUcZNwNlO_2KtRpkqk (TURKCE)

http://gazetekarinca.com/2019/01/avukat-selcuk-kozagacli-babasina-eli-kelepceli-halde-veda-etti/ (TURKCE)

https://bianet.org/bianet/insan-haklari/204931-selcuk-kozagacli-babasina-kelepceyle-veda-etti (TURKCE)

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