Daily Archives: 05/01/2019


New York City Bar

2019 Day of the Endangered Lawyer – Turkey
Thursday, January 24, 2019 | 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Program Fee: Free to Members | $15 for Non-Members

The Day of the Endangered Lawyer is an annual event which examines governments who actively suppress lawyers from representing clients. Such suppression includes harassment, fines, disbarment, imprisonment, and even extrajudicial torture and killing. This year the Day of the Endangered Lawyer examines lawyers in Turkey. Since the coup attempt in 2016, lawyers and judges have been disbarred and imprisoned. In addition, local bar associations have been forcibly closed by governments. This panel aims to highlight the state of current events in Turkey.

Neil Schenkkan, Director of Special Research, Freedom House
Hon. Sukru Say, Former Judge of the Turkish Tax Court

Christopher M. W. Pioch, Secretary, Task Force on the Independence of Lawyers and Judges

Sponsoring Association Committee:
Task Force on the Independence of Lawyers and Judges, William A. Wilson III, Chair







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Turkey: Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)

January 4, 2019


The Arrested Lawyers Initiative updated its new report entitled  “Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018).”

According to the report, 1546 Turkish lawyers have been prosecuted and 594 lawyers have been arrested since 2016 July. And so far, 216 Turkish lawyers have been sentenced to 1361 years in prison by the first instance courts under article 314 of the Turkish Penal Code.

The report reveals that all persecuted lawyers are being charged with terror-linked offenses; the main two accusations directed against them are membership to an armed terrorist organisation, and forming and leading an armed terrorist organisation. Article 314 of the Penal Code criminalises the establishment and commanding of (Article 314/1), as well as membership (Article 314/2) to an armed organisation. Under the Turkish Penal Code, these two offences attract 7,5 to 22,5 years imprisonment.

To read and download the report, click here

Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018).”

Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)



Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing

Pakistan: Why I defended Asia Bibi in Pakistan

January 4, 2019

Asia Bibi spent Christmas in a safe house in Islamabad, Pakistan. I hope that’s the last time my client, a Catholic, must spend the holiday unable to live and worship in freedom.


Two months ago, a three- justice panel of the Pakistani Supreme Court overturned her 2010 conviction and death sentence for blaspheming.


Protests by religious hardliners over the possibility that she would be allowed to leave Pakistan prompted the government to bar her, at least temporarily, from departing.


Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government appears determined to ensure the safety of Asia and her husband, Ashiq Masih, and the couple’s two daughters, until another country agrees to take them in. Canada is their most likely destination.


Asia was still in prison, not in the courtroom, when the decision was handed down on October 31. Enraged protesters poured into the streets in several Pakistani cities.


Police escorted me from the courthouse, and I spent three days in hiding, aided by friends in the diplomatic community, before I boarded a flight for the Netherlands still wearing my Pakistani lawyer’s uniform of a black suit and white shirt.


I had insisted I wouldn’t leave without Asia, but my friends swore they would take good care of her. It was my life they feared for at that moment.


My last meeting with Asia had taken place on October 10 at the women’s prison in Multan, about 400 kilometres from my home in the eastern city of Lahore,where she had been incarcerated for the past five years.




Asia Bibi’s lawyer wants to return to Pakistan



Turkey/Armenia: Lawyer says he could be victim of assassination attempt by ‘deep forces’

January 5, 2019

A lawyer who is known for taking on the cases of Armenians has said he is being followed by suspicious people and fears that he could become the victim of an assassination attempt by “deep forces” in Turkey, the artıgerçek news website reported on Friday.

Lawyer Erdal Doğan posted some photos on Twitter on Thursday that showed two suspicious people in front of his law office in İstanbul on Dec. 24. Doğan said these two people were seeking information from reception as to when he comes to work and leaves and whether he would drop by his office that day as well as what his phone number was. These people, he said, come several times a day and try to gather information on him.

The lawyer said he notified the İstanbul police about the suspicious individuals and was given a security guard.

In remarks to artigerçek, Doğan said he was contacted by a suspicious person two-and-a-half years ago who told him to take on a specific divorce case, saying, “I have learned that you are accepting the cases of Armenians.”

The lawyer said he received death threats over social media when he joined as a co-plaintiff lawyer in the trial of the suspects in the Zirve Publishing House murder trial.

Lawyer says he could be victim of assassination attempt by ‘deep forces’


Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)


Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing

Sudan: Violent repression of peaceful demonstrations and targeting of activists & HRDs in Sudan

January 4, 2019

Front Line Defenders

On 19 December 2018, peaceful demonstrations erupted on the streets of the northern Sudanese town of Atbara. The demonstrations have since spread across the country, including to the capital, Khartoum.

The demonstrators initially denounced the rising cost of living and shortages of food and fuel, but began calling for the resignation of President Omar Al Bashir following a violent response from the Sudanese authorities.

According to human rights defenders on the ground, state security responded to the peaceful protests with lethal force. On 28 December 2018, hundreds of people were targeted by tear gas in Omdurman after protests were due to take place after Friday prayers. Many of those who have been killed are understood to have been shot dead by security forces.

Dozens of human rights defenders, including grassroots activists, journalists and lawyers, are among those who have been arrested and detained. On 3 January 2018, Hasan Abd Al Ati of the National Civil Forum, which works on development issues and human rights, was arrested along with two of his colleagues at their office in Khartoum. On the same day, Faisal Mohamed Saleh was arrested from his office at Teebaa Press, an NGO that organises training for local journalists.



Sudan protests biggest threat yet to Bashir: analysts





https://fr.euronews.com/2019/01/07/soudan-plus-de-800-arrestations-depuis-le-debut-des-manifestations?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1546877812 (FRANCAIS)

https://blogs.mediapart.fr/les-invites-de-mediapart/blog/050119/appel-la-mobilisation-en-soutien-au-peuple-soudanais-contre-la-dictature-et-la-repress (FRANCAIS)

http://www.rfi.fr/afrique/20190104-soudan-opposition-reclame-toujours-le-depart-president-bechir?fbclid=IwAR0eOPmxHNObhVf2BpUpa-im6O-tedD5dW_uzr81yWEnusMpp0HGCJubWTc&ref=fb_i (FRANCAIS)

http://www.rfi.fr/afrique/20190105-soudan-manifestations-anti-regime-repression-journaliste-mohamed-naji?fbclid=IwAR3SuUdG7XB52Dli_uTZvUdSBy-pNc3BJ1Ty8he0taCzjCJXrDm69V5XST4 (FRANCAIS)

https://www.journalducameroun.com/manifestations-au-soudan-la-plus-grande-menace-pour-le-regime-en-30-ans/ (FRANCAIS)

https://afriqueactudaily.com/index.php/2019/01/08/soudan-plus-de-800-personnes-arretees-depuis-le-debut-des-manifestations/ (FRANCAIS)
