Iran: Proposed law restricting access to lawyer would be crushing blow for justice

May 16, 2019

A contemptible amendment to Iran’s code of criminal procedure could effectively strip detainees who are facing punishments such as the death penalty, life imprisonment and amputation, of the right to access a lawyer while they are under investigation, said Amnesty International.

An analysis of the bill published by the organization today details how, if passed, the amended law would permit the prosecution to immediately deprive individuals arrested on “national security” and certain other serious criminal charges of access to a lawyer for 20 days, which could be extended to cover the whole investigation phase. In Iran, those charged with “national security” offences include human rights defenders, journalists and political dissidents targeted solely for the peaceful exercise of their human rights.

“This is a regressive piece of draft legislation which would effectively remove the right to a lawyer in a wide range of criminal investigations and contravene Iran’s obligations under international law. If passed by MPs it would be a crushing blow to Iran’s already deeply defective justice system and could further consolidate patterns of torture and other ill-treatment against detainees to extract forced confessions during interrogations,” said Philip Luther, Research and Advocacy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at ‎Amnesty International.

“Denial of prompt access to a lawyer is a serious violation of the right to a fair trial in all circumstances, but it is particularly shocking in cases where individuals are at risk of being sentenced to severe or irreversible punishments such as execution, amputation and life imprisonment.”

Iran: Proposed law restricting access to lawyer would be crushing blow for justice (FRANCAIS) (DEUTSCH) (DEUTSCH) (ITALIANO) (ITALIANO) (PORTUGUES) (PORTUGUES)


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Tour de France des Barreaux/ action de Mobilisation libérez Nasrin SOUTOUDEH : les membres de notre Conseil de l’Ordre témoignent de leur solidarité#FreeNasrin

(Barreau de Lyon Facebook, 17/05/19)

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Après avoir, pour la plupart, adopté des motions de soutien,comme c’est le cas du barreau du Val d’Oise, les barreaux se passent le relai de la mobilisation pour soutenir notre Consoeur iranienne Nasrin SOTOUDEH écopant une peine de prison de 38 ans, relai matérialisé par une banderole partie du barreau de DOUAI, comme pour garder vivante la flamme de l’espoir.

(Ordre AvocatsduVal d’Oise Facebook, 14/05/19)

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Le bureau du CNB reçoit une délégation de manifestants qui se sont rassemblés sous le portrait géant de #NasrinSotoudeh, devant le siège du CNB, pour réclamer, une rose 🌹 à la main, sa libération.

(CNB Conseil National des Barreaux Facebook, 16/05/19)

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