Daily Archives: 30/09/2018

India: Sabarimala Verdict: This Lawyer Received Death Threats For 2 Years Over Supreme Court Petition

September 29, 2018

Naushad Ahmad Khan, president of the Indian Young Lawyers’ Association, hails the Supreme Court’s verdict, and says he wants to live in peace.

Lawyer Naushad Khan.

On 13 January 2016, a woman phoned Naushad Ahmad Khan in the morning, demanding to know why he had filed a petition against the ban on women entering Kerala’s Sabarimala temple. She wouldn’t say who she was or where she was calling from, but she was convinced that Khan had orchestrated the filing of the petition and that he was deliberately trying to hurt people’s religious feelings. Khan tried to reason with her but she would have none of it. The call ended with the woman telling Khan that he didn’t do the right thing.

Khan didn’t worry too much about the conversation until a video clip from the same number arrived in his WhatsApp inbox. The seconds-long clip had his photo, phone number and location. “It ended with a message saying, ‘this man is responsible for the Sabarimala case and we should teach him a lesson’,” Khan told HuffPost India.

Khan was taken aback momentarily, but couldn’t really understand what it meant. The petition in question had been filed in 2006 by the women’s cell of his organisation Indian Young Lawyers’ Association, who were being represented by advocate Ravi Prakash Gupta. Ten years later, the court had listed it for hearing the day before the woman called. Khan wasn’t even present at the hearing.

A few minutes after the video clip landed, Khan’s phone started ringing. He picked up the first call. It was a man, asking rudely why he had filed the petition and telling him what a big mistake he had made. “While I was speaking to the person, the phone started beeping for waiting calls,” he said.

Khan’s associate, who was present in his Delhi High Court chambers where HuffPost Indiamet him on Friday, chipped in. “There were roughly ten calls waiting while he was speaking to one person.”

That was the beginning of a saga of stalking, cyber-attacks and death threats that went on for two years, said Khan.



https://contactohoy.com.mx/el-tribunal-supremo-lleva-la-igualdad-y-los-derechos-a-la-india-del-siglo-xxi/ (ESPANOL)

France/Israel: 24h avant la fin de sa peine, personne ne sait si Salah Hamouri, emprisonné en Israël, va être libéré

le 29 septembre, 2018

Image result for salah hamouri

A 24h de la fin de sa peine, personne ne sait si Salah Hamouri, avocat franco-palestinien de 33 ans détenu arbitrairement en Israël depuis le 23 août 2017, sera libéré. “Nous avons pris contact plusieurs fois avec la diplomatie française. A la veille de sa sortie, elle n’est toujours pas en mesure de nous garantir que Salah sortira de prison ce dimanche (NDLR : 30 septembre)”, regrette son épouse Elsa Lefort. 

Le 23 août 2017, trois jours après avoir obtenu son diplôme d’avocat, Salah Hamouri était arrêté par l’armée israélienne à son domicile de Jérusalem puis placé arbitrairement “sans procès et sans charge” en détention administrative pour six mois, une durée renouvelable indéfiniment comme le prévoit la loi israélienne.

Une peine qui a été reconduite plusieurs fois depuis. La dernière devrait donc s’achever ce dimanche 30 septembre.

“Mais avec l’arbitraire israélien, tout est possible”, lâche dépitée Elsa Lefort. “La décision de maintenir mon mari en prison est politique puisque ce n’est pas la justice qui décide mais Lieberman (NDLR : le ministre israélien de la Défense connu pour son racisme anti-arabe) qui signe l’ordre de détention administrative”, rappelle-t-elle.

Ce n’est pas la première fois que Salah Hamouri est emprisonné en Israël.





Salah Hamouri est enfin libéré !













Salah Hamouri : la fin d’une bien trop longue détention arbitraire





https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2018/09/30/575664/Palestine-Israel-Salah-Hamouri-prison-Negev (ENGLISH)

https://www.france24.com/en/20180930-israel-frees-french-palestinian-after-13-months-without-trial (ENGLISH)

http://www.omct.org/human-rights-defenders/urgent-interventions/israel/2018/10/d25065/ (ENGLISH)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salah_Hamouri (ENGLISH)

https://es.news-front.info/2018/10/01/israel-vuelve-a-arrestar-a-activista-palestino-frances-minutos-despues-de-su-liberacion/ (ESPANOL)

https://www.agenzianova.com/a/5bb0dfdec7f697.55832527/2090743/2018-09-30/israele-autorita-rilasciano-avvocato-franco-palestinese-hamouri-dopo-13-mesi-di-detenzione (ITALIANO)

http://www.krapuul.nl/wereld/buitenland-2/2709449/hoe-israel-een-terrorist-maakte-van-hamouri-en-hoe-keesje-in-de-kuil-viel-die-hij-zelf-groef/ (NEDERLANDS)

http://www.bursa.ro/israel-salah-hamouri-eliberat-dupa-un-an-de-detentie-354310&s=print&sr=articol&id_articol=354310.html (ROMANIAN)

http://www.radar2.net/External-1202944.html (ARABIC)

http://www.isra.com/news/220767 (RUSSIAN)

http://trad.cn.rfi.fr/%E6%94%BF%E6%B2%BB/20180930-%E6%B3%95%E7%B1%8D%E5%B7%B4%E5%8B%92%E6%96%AF%E5%9D%A6%E4%BA%BA%E8%96%A9%E6%8B%89%E8%B5%AB-%E5%93%88%E7%A9%86%E9%87%8C%E7%8D%B2%E9%87%8B (CHINESE)

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4️⃣0️⃣0️⃣️ ème jour de détention de notre concitoyen.

Dimanche 30 septembre, cette injustice doit enfin cesser !

INTERPELLONS LE PRÉSIDENT MACRON avec le hashtag : #LiberezSalah !

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(Liberté pour Salah Hamouri Facebook, 27/09/18)