Daily Archives: 22/09/2018

Egypt: Human Rights lawyer Ezzat Ghoneim missing for 16 days despite court release

September 21, 2018

Human Rights lawyer Ezzat Ghoneim [Twitter]

Despite an Egyptian court releasing Ezzat Ghoneim over two weeks ago the human rights lawyer and director of the NGO Egyptian Coordination for Rights and Freedoms has been missing for 16 days.

Ghoneim’s ordeal began in March this year when State Security Prosecution issued a 15-day detention order against him pending further investigations into undisclosed charges. He was subsequently detained at Tora prison for six months.

The recent court order stipulated he should be released on the condition that he report to the police station every day. According to normal practice detainees are transferred from prison to the police station where they undergo various bureaucratic procedures before being released after a maximum of six days.

However, six days ago Ghoneim’s wife went to the police station where she had been visiting her husband every day. They told her he had been released but his family can’t find him anywhere. It is believed that he is being held incommunicado within state custody.

Read: Egyptian court frees Mubarak’s sons on bail in share-dealing case

Fears are growing that the lawyer of Um Zubeida, the woman who spoke to the BBC about the forced disappearance of her daughter, has met the same fate. Azuz Mahbouh was released under condition at the same time as Ghoneim but is also missing.

Disappearing detainees beyond their release is a common tactic used by Egyptian police to further punish activists and lawyers because they can’t stop court orders.

Human Rights lawyer Ezzat Ghoneim missing for 16 days despite court release

Egypt: Whereabouts of human rights lawyers unknown: Ezzat Ghoniem and Azzoz Mahgoub

مصر: لا تزال أماكن وجود محامين لحقوق الإنسان مجهولة: عزت غنيم وعزوز محجوب

https://searx.me:3000/?mortyhash=a4d9f2175eb4ac59e8afdddd80fbde50f051acaf50b8e06abecfd9f8cd730775&mortyurl=https%3A%2F%2Fkatib.net%2F2018%2F09%2F22%2F%25d8%25a8%25d8%25a7%25d9%2584%25d8%25a3%25d8%25b3%25d9%2585%25d8%25a7%25d8%25a1-%25d9%2588%25d9%2585%25d8%25af%25d8%25a9-%25d8%25a7%25d9%2584%25d8%25ad%25d8%25a8%25d8%25b3-%25d8%25a7%25d9%2584%25d8%25b9%25d9%2581%25d9%2588-%25d8%25a7%25d9%2584%25d8%25af%25d9%2588%25d9%2584%25d9%258a%25d8%25a9-%25d8%25aa%25d8%25b7%2F (ARABIC)

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The Egyptian Coordination for Rights and Freedoms demands that the hiding place of Ezzat Ghoniem is released and that he’s also released immediately.

Egyptian coordination for rights and freedoms calls for the need to disclose the location of detention #EzzatGhoniem, the Executive Director of the Egyptian coordination. We demand that he is released immediately in implementation of the decision of the Court issued by the chairmanship of Counselor Moataz Khafaji on the 4th September.

On September 4th,the Cairo Criminal Court Advisory Chamber held at the Institute of Police Secretaries in Batrah, issued a decision to release him with precautionary measures. He was detained by the Haram Police Department after the decision for ten days.

On the first of March 2018 Mr Ghoneim was arrested on the way home at 6 pm. Security forces intercepted him and kidnapped him and took him to an unknown location for three days until he appeared in the State Security Prosecution in case of case 441 2018 Emergency High State Security.

The prosecution charged him with publishing false news and other accuses.

Until he was forcibly hidden after the department’s administration signed his decision and Ezzat Ghoniem is still under enforced disappearance. His location remains unknown.

Egyptian coordination calls on the Egyptian authorities to immediately disclose the place of his detention. The Egyptian authorities also bears responsibility for his safety as we fear that he will be subjected to any pressure or confessions in violation of the law and the constitution.
Egyptian coordination of rights and freedoms
Thursday 20 September

(Egyptian Coordination for rights and freedoms Facebook, 23/09/18)

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Iran: Intimidation, persecution of Iranian lawyers won’t halt dissent

September 21, 2018

Image result for iranian lawyers arrested

When a picture of two Iranian lawyers handcuffed, shackled and wearing prison uniforms recently ran on dozens of Persian-language media outlets and platforms, it caused a storm of criticism of the Iranian authorities on social media. The two human rights lawyers, Qassem Sholeh Sadi and Arash Kaykhosravi, had been outside the parliament on Aug. 18, protesting the vetting process for electoral candidates, when they were arrested. The security forces have arrested three more lawyers since, two of whom have been released on bail.

The wave of arrests of human rights lawyers has provoked some Iranian politicians to join the chorus of people demanding fairness and justice for them. “Because the lawyers are experts in law, and the assumption is that they won’t breach the law, then they should be treated in a way that seems just to the public,” said parliament member Mohammad Reza Tabesh of the Reformist ‘Hope’ faction.

Outspoken lawmaker Ali Motahari, who serves as deputy speaker, said that he would “follow up on the issue and consult with other parliamentarians to intervene if need be.”

While President Hassan Rouhani is a lawyer himself, he has so far refrained from stepping into the debate.

Today, Iran’s lawyers face countless restrictions and obstacles in performing their work, though the Iranian constitution is clear on citizens’ rights to a fair trial, which naturally requires that lawyers be independent and unafraid to provide their clients with strong legal representation.




Senegal: Sortie de Me Babou dans la presse : Des avocats fustigent son attitude

le 21 septembre, 2018

Affaire des médicaments saisis à Toubel : Me Abdoulaye Babou reçoit des menaces de mort

Le point de presse de Me Abdoulaye Babou organisé pour dénoncer des menaces de mort à son encontre irrite le président du Comité sénégalais des droits de l’homme. Pour Me Pae Sène, le chemin emprunté par son confrère n’est pas le meilleur d’autant plus qu’il y avait des moyens plus adéquats dans ce genre de situation.

«Un avocat ne doit pas être menacé dans l’exercice de ses fonctions parce que l’avocat est un acteur de la justice et de là, il est protégé par toutes les lois qui organisent le fonctionnement de la justice», a déclaré Me Pape Sène au micro de la Rfm, repris par nos confrères de Pressafrik.
Cependant, ajoute-t-il, «je déplore un peu cette attitude de notre confrère qui consiste par presse interposée à en parler. Quand un avocat fait l’objet de menaces de la part de citoyens ou de justiciables, l’avocat doit s’en remettre au bâtonnier de l’Ordre des avocats parce que nous sommes dans un ordre qui est organisé avec à sa tête un bâtonnier, un Conseil de l’ordre et un conseil de discipline».

Me Pape Sène revenait sur les accusations de Me Abdoulaye Babou qui défendait les intérêts du Conseil de l’ordre des pharmaciens du Sénégal dans l’affaire des faux médicaments saisis à Touba Bélela en 2017.Me Babou avait fait savoir que ces menaces dont il a fait l’objet émanent de Dr Khadim Mbacké. Mais, ce dernier a formellement nié être de prêt ou de loin mêlé à cette affaire.

Sortie de Me Babou dans la presse : Des avocats fustigent son attitude

Affaire des médicaments saisis à Toubel : Me Abdoulaye Babou reçoit des menaces de mort


Menaces de mort: Dr Khadim Mbacké dément Me Babou sur…

Prix Ludovic Trarieux/Iran: Droits de l’Homme : les barreaux européens priment une avocate iranienne emprisonnée

le 21 septembre, 2018

L'avocate iranienne Nasrin Sotoudeh, célèbre militante des droits de l'homme emprisonnée à Téhéran. Photo d'archive AFP / BEHROUZ MEHRI

L’avocate iranienne Nasrin Sotoudeh, célèbre militante des droits de l’homme emprisonnée à Téhéran, a été récompensée vendredi à Paris par le prix 2018 Ludovic-Trarieux, du nom du fondateur de la Ligue des droits de l’Homme en 1898.
Doté de 20.000 euros et décerné par des représentants de plusieurs barreaux européens, ce prix récompense chaque année un avocat ayant illustré “par son oeuvre, son activité ou ses souffrances, la défense du respect des droits de l’Homme”.

Les 25 avocats européens membres du jury, représentant les barreaux d’Amsterdam, Berlin Bordeaux, Cracovie, Bruxelles, Genève, Luxembourg, Paris, Rome, l’Institut des Droits de l’Homme des Avocats européens (IDHAE) et l’Union internationale des avocats (UIA), “ont lancé un appel aux autorités pour qu’elles libèrent immédiatement et sans condition Nasrin Sotoudeh”, dans un communiqué transmis à l’AFP.

L’avocate, déjà lauréate en 2012 du Prix Sakharov pour la liberté de l’esprit décerné par le Parlement européen, a été primée “à la majorité absolue au premier tour” pour “sa détermination et son engagement”, notamment auprès des femmes, selon le texte.
Âgée de 55 ans, Me Sotoudeh a défendu plusieurs femmes arrêtées en décembre et janvier pour avoir enlevé leur foulard en public afin de protester contre l’obligation faite aux femmes de porter le voile dans l’espace public en Iran depuis la révolution islamique de 1979. Elle a été arrêtée mi-juin, pour purger une peine de prison de six ans après avoir été condamnée par contumace pour espionnage, selon ses avocats, qui ont dénoncé ce verdict comme étant illégal.







https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasrin_Sotoudeh (ENGLISH)

http://www.basnews.com/index.php/tr/news/kurdistan/467785 (TURKCE)

http://etha1.com/Haberler/diyarbakir-barosuna-2018-ludovic-trarieux-juri-ozel-odulu/18/5156 (TURKCE)

https://www.gercekgundem.com/guncel/38066/diyarbakir-barosuna-uluslararasi-odul (TURKCE)

https://www.cayyolu.com.tr/diyarbakir-barosu-na-uluslararasi-odul/193411/ (TURKCE)





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