Daily Archives: 21/02/2018

European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer/UK: The value of a strong and independent legal profession

March 2018

Protecting endangered lawyers and the rule of law: Andrew Walker QC underlines the growing concerns and global initiatives

The entrance to the home of the Paris Bar is dominated by a map of the world.

A spider’s web of lines links all too many countries to short biographical cards that surround it. Each card identifies a lawyer who has suffered from some form of persecution – even death – simply for doing his or her job: defending the rights of others. It is a firm statement of intent by one of the largest Bars in Europe to stand together with our fellow lawyers, wherever they are under threat. It is a stark reminder, too, of how widespread and serious are the threats faced by lawyers in very many parts of the world.

I am reminded of that Parisian map as I reflect on some of our own initiatives as I write this month’s column. The Day of the Endangered Lawyer is a recent idea, designed to draw attention to what seems to be a growing concern. This year, we joined lawyers across Europe in calling on the Egyptian authorities to take a series of steps to uphold the rule of law and to protect lawyers from arrest, detention and prosecution.

The experience in Europe has inspired another initiative: the proposal for a European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer. We have thrown our weight behind this, and are lobbying for the necessary government support in the Council of Europe. Such support is far from guaranteed. I regret to say that of the 18 UK members of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, only four voted on the proposal, and only three of them were in favour.

While the main impetus for this may be experience in other countries, we would be foolish to take our own position for granted. To give just one example: the Bar Council has expended considerable time and energy over the last few years in arguing for legal professional privilege to be given explicit protection in a number of Acts passed by our own Parliament, not always successfully. We and others will be pressing for a convention to include protection for legal professional privilege, as well as for the independence of lawyers and their professional bodies. Protection enshrined in an international treaty would be a valuable addition to our armoury.





France: Digne-les-Bains : Un avocat et deux éducateurs sociaux agressés dans le hall du Tribunal

le 20 février, 2018

Digne-les-Bains : Un avocat et deux éducateurs sociaux agressés dans le hall du Tribunal

Ce mardi 20 février, à la sortie d’une audience d’assistance éducative du tribunal pour enfants, un avocat du barreau de Digne-les-Bains a été agressé par le père d’un enfant.

Ce matin, mardi 20 février, à la sortie d’une audience d’assistance éducative du tribunal pour enfants, un avocat du barreau de Digne-les-Bains (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence) a été agressé par le père d’un enfant

En effet, c’est dans le hall du Tribunal de Grande Instance de Digne-les-Bains, qu’un avocat a reçu plusieurs coups de ce qui semble être une matraque artisanale. Poursuivie dans les couloirs par un parent convoqué au tribunal pour enfants dans le cadre d’un placement éducatif, la victime a été blessée à la tête et évacuée aux urgences, où son état a nécessité la pose de 13 points de suture.

Dans sa folie agressive, l’individu s’en est pris à un chef de service Educatif – secteur sud de l’ADSEA et à un éducateur  de l’ADSEA 83, qui ont aussi reçu des coups, avant qu’une escorte de la police nationale présente sur les lieux n’intervienne pour le maîtriser. L’homme de 47 ans qui avait apparemment prémédité son geste, avait réussi à passer le cap du portique de détection, et de la fouille de son sac.

Déjà connu de la justice avec plusieurs condamnations, il a été placé en garde à vue et sera présenté devant le parquet et jugé ultérieurement.


Ukraine/CCBE: Расширенное создание


№ 7 (1051)

Парламентская ассамблея Совета Европы (ПАСЕ) приняла рекомендацию с призывом к Комитету министров подготовить и принять документ под названием «European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer» (Европейская конвенция о профессии юриста). Об этом сообщается на сайте Совета адвокатур и юридических обществ Европы (CCBE). Инициатива разработать такой документ была высказана еще в конце 2016 года, но сейчас она получила большую поддержку. Западные адвокаты требуют учесть при принятии документа практику Европейского суда по правам человека, а также основоположные акты International Bar Association и CCBE. Возможность присоединиться к документу должны иметь и государства, не входящие в Совет Европы.

Необходимость разработки конвенции вызвана как нарушениями прав адвокатов, так и попытками на законодательном уровне пересмотреть границы их свободы. Резонансные события вроде Panama Papers, как отмечает Рутвен Геммель (Ruthven Gemmell), президент CCBE, показали, что «гарантии и профессиональные обязательства могут быть поставлены под сомнение из-за недоразумений и изменения политических приоритетов». Речь, в частности, идет об инициативах по сужению границ адвокатской тайны. Также опасения вызывают упрощенные судебные процедуры, в том числе заочные. «Нельзя отрицать, что политики должны проявлять инициативу и добиваться борьбы с нарушениями, но это не должно причинять ущерб принципам юридической профессии», — считает глава профессиональной организации.

Сделать обязательным

Представление о целях разрабатываемой конвенции дает отчет «The case for drafting a European convention on the profession of lawyer» от 15 декабря 2017 года, подготовленный в рамках Комитета ПАСЕ по правовым вопросам и правам человека.

Конвенция должна придать обязательную силу тем принципам, которые и так стали общепризнанными. Существующие документы, в том числе Рекомендация № R (2000) 21 Комитета министров государствам-членам о свободе осуществления профессии адвоката (Рекомендация), не были в полной мере эффективными в вопросах защиты адвокатов. Недостаточная эффективность Рекомендации подтверждается нарушениями прав адвокатов как в нашей стране, так и в Боснии и Герцеговине, Польше, Молдове, Грузии и Турции. Наибольшее возмущение вызывают факты убийств адвокатов без надлежащего расследования, допрос адвокатов по делам их клиентов и злоупотребление дисциплинарными производствами.

Предполагается, что ряд положений Рекомендации будет перенесен в конвенцию. Кроме того, острым является вопрос об обеспечении применимости норм. «Нужен механизм защиты на европейском уровне, хотя и в более простой, более быстрой и более непосредственной форме, чем Конвенция о защите прав человека и основоположных свобод», — говорится в документе «Вклад CCBE в предлагаемую Европейскую конвенцию о профессии юриста» (CCBE contribution on the proposed European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer) от 15 сентября 2017 года. Из данного отчета можно узнать о возможной структуре и содержании конвенции.


(This article, in Russian, deals with lawyers’ rights and the recent draft of the European Convention on the Profession of Lawyer.)

http://www.ccbe.eu/fileadmin/speciality_distribution/public/documents/Events/20180124_Side_Event/EN_Why-a-European-Convention-on-the-profession-of-lawyer-is-needed.pdf (ENGLISH)

https://dyyad.blogspot.fr/2018/02/dyyads-proposal-on-drafting-of-european.html (ENGLISH)

https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/law/endangered-lawyers-council-of-europe-body-votes-on-convention/5064492.article (ENGLISH)

The Philippines: Alleged drug lord’s slain lawyer got death threats before ambush, says wife


February 21, 2018

Ronda town Vice Mayor Jonah John Ungab received death threats hours before he was killed in an ambush here, his wife said Wednesday.

Ungab, legal counsel of confessed drug lord Kerwin Espinosa, received text messages on Monday asking him to choose between his life or his client’s life. Hours later, he was shot by unidentified gunmen while he was driving along S. Osmeña Street.

“He was killed because he was doing his job as a lawyer. To represent someone in court,” Ungab’s wife Pearl, who was in the passenger seat during the ambush, said in a press conference.

“I don’t know what justice is all about now. I, as a grieving wife, is calling upon the public to help us,” she said.

Before being shot to death, Ungab came from a hearing related to Espinosa’s case.



Ungab family seeks justice, coordinates with authorities







Click to access EN_HRL_20180226_Philippines_Murder-of-lawyer-Jonah-John-Ungab.pdf

Kashmir/India: Lawyers booked for comparing Afzal Guru, Maqbool Bhat with Baghat Singh

February 21, 2018

Lawyers booked for comparing Afzal Guru, Maqbool Bhat with Baghat Singh

Jammu and Kashmir Police have registered an FIR against lawyers and their agents for pasting posters in the Saddar Court Complex here on February 9 wherein a comparison were drawn between Muhammad Maqbool Bhat, Muhammad Afzal Guru and Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Chander Shekhar Azad.

According to police “the posters had message: Maqbool and Bhat are heroes of Kashmir, while Bhaghat, Sukhdev and Azad were the heroes of India.”


Taking strong note of the posters, police station Batamaloo registered a case against some lawyers and their agents under section 13 of Unlawful Activities Act. “Police station received information from credible sources that some lawyers and their agents had pasted posters of Bhat and Guru wherein they were termed as heroes of Kashmir; Singh, Sukhdev and Azad were declared heroes of India,” reads the FIR.

The FIR, a copy of which is with Greater Kashmir, further states that pasting the posters of Guru, Bhat and militants on the walls of court complex amounts to challenging the sovereignty of India and hence those involved need to be booked under section 13 of the UAA.

A police source said the issue has been taken very seriously by the top brass of police and investigations are afoot to identity the “lawyers involved in the act.” “Police team from Batamaloo is probing the matter seriously,” he said.

He said the posters were removed and seized by the police and it is being investigated wherefrom they were printed. “We are sure to find out who was behind the act,” he said.

Talking to Greater Kashmir, general secretary of Kashmir High Court Bar Association (KHCBA), advocate G N Shaheeen, said that registering an FIR is nothing new for the Bar. “We believe almost every citizen of Kashmir has been booked under this Act for raising voice against the forcible control of New Delhi,” he said. “First of all, on February 9 there was complete strike and no lawyer was present in the court. We don’t know who pasted these posters. Lodging FIR against lawyers is a non-issue.”

President Lawyers Club Kashmir, advocate Babar Qadri, said, “Open FIR is always like a sword that hangs on the heads of lawyers. My appeal to the HCBA president is not to remain silent on the police FIR and instead fight it out.”





