Monthly Archives: October 2019

Italy: Monterotondo, spara tre colpi di pistola all’avvocato della controparte. Arrestato anziano


Ha tentato di uccidere l’avvocato che difendeva la controparte in un processo civile. Drammatico pomeriggio quello di oggi, giovedì 24 ottobre a Monterotondo Scalo. Un uomo anziano di circa 76 anni ha sparato tre colpi di pistola al legale che però è riuscito a evitarli e scappare. I colpi hanno raggiunto anche il vicino Ufficio Postale. Sul posto i carabinieri della Compagnia di Monterotondo che sono riusciti a fermare l’aggressore e hanno rinvenuto l’arma a poca distanza.“Mi ha rovinato” ha raccontato ai militari. Colto nella quasi flagranza di tentato omicidio dell’Avvocato Antonio Di Silvestro e di porto e detenzione illegale di arma, è stato arrestato.

P. U., poco prima, aveva esploso tre colpi di arma da fuoco nei confronti dell’Avvocato, mediante una pistola Beretta mod. 70, cal. 7,65 avente matricola abrasa. In particolare, P.U., mosso dal risentimento nei confronti dell’Avvocato, difensore di una controparte del predetto P.U. in una causa civilistica, si era recato davanti lo studio del legale, sito in Monterotondo, in attesa che uscisse.

Quando l’Avvocato, alle ore 15:10 circa è uscito dal portoncino del palazzo ove ha studio, P.U. ha esploso un primo colpo di pistola che si era infranto sul vetro del predetto portoncino e poi ha esploso altri due colpi sempre verso l’avvocato che cercava di scappare. Il terzo colpo, in particolare, colpiva, danneggiandola, la vetrata dell’ufficio postale sito dall’altro lato della via col di Lana.

I tre colpi non hanno ferito alcuna persona. P.U. è poi allontanato dal luogo dell’evento ed ha dapprima nascosto la pistola coperta con un drappo di colore blu sotto una siepe in una via limitrofa e si era infine recato alla fermata dell’autobus ove veniva, tuttavia, fermato dai Carabinieri di Monterotondo, attivati da una richiesta al 112 di un cittadino e giunti in poco tempo sul posto.

Monterotondo, spara tre colpi di pistola all’avvocato della controparte. Arrestato anziano,%20AVV.%20ANTONIO%20DI%20SILVESTRO

Perde la causa e spara per uccidere l’avvocato: terrore per il giudice di pace di Poggio Mirteto

Agguato all’avvocato della controparte, a Monterotondo anziano spara per strada

UK: Lawyers joining Extinction Rebellion protests risk disciplinary action, solicitor warns

October 24, 2019

Lawyers eager to hit the streets and join the Extinction Rebellion protests should carry out their own “risk analysis” before doing so — or face potential regulatory repercussions, a solicitor has warned.

Gideon Habel, an associate at London law firm Leigh Day, advises his fellow solicitors to be mindful of the regulatory obligations when exercising their right to protest, including to uphold the rule of law and administration of justice, as well as to behave in a way that maintains the trust the public places in the profession.

The regulatory and disciplinary specialist suggests solicitors and barristers “balance their determination to get their voice heard with the risks of disciplinary action”, Legal Futures reports.

The Leigh Day solicitor believes it’s up to the regulators (the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board) to determine whether it is in the public interest to discipline protesting lawyers who fall foul of the law.

Advising every lawyer to carry out their own “individual risk analysis” before joining a particular protest, Habel continues:

“There is a tension between the individual rights of legal professionals protected by the common law and Human Rights Act, and the degree to which a professional regulator can limit those rights to protect the reputation of the profession and carry out its duties as a public interest regulator.”

The warning comes just weeks after Extinction Rebellion’s legal arm descended on the Royal Courts of Justice, calling on the profession to “step up and take a positive role in tackling the biggest challenge facing our planet”.

Lawyers joining Extinction Rebellion protests risk disciplinary action, solicitor warns

Extinction Rebellion lawyers descend on legal London

India: Lawyer Shot Dead In Uttar Pradesh’s Shamli

October 24, 2019

A 35-year-old lawyer was shot dead by two bike-borne youths in Uttar Pradesh’s Shamli district, police said on Thursday.

Lawyer Shot Dead In Uttar Pradesh?s Shamli

A 35-year-old lawyer was shot dead by two bike-borne youths in Uttar Pradesh’s Shamli district, police said on Thursday.

Gulzar was returning from a Kairana court on bike when the incident occurred on the Saharanpur-Delhi highway near Sikka village under the Adarsh Mandi police station area on Wednesday night, an officer said.

Superintendent of Police Ajay Kumar said prima facie, old enmity with Gulzar’s brother-in-laws may be the reason behind the killing.

A case has been registered against four people who are absconding, Kumar added.

Meanwhile, lawyers, led by Kairana bar association president Ram Kumar Vashisht, protested over the killing and demanded immediate arrest of the accused.

Lawyers stage protest against spate of killings in UP (HINDI)

Turkey: International Law Obligations to Release ÇHD Lawyers | Letter

October 23, 2019

We write on behalf of Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC), a committee of lawyers and human rights defenders who promote international human rights, the independence and security of human rights defenders, the integrity of legal systems and the rule of law through advocacy, education and legal research. LRWC has Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.

LRWC has written in the past with respect to various Turkish lawyers and human rights defenders who have been detained, arrested, charged, and/or imprisoned in violation of Turkey’s international human rights law obligations and Turkey’s own Constitution. Communications to the Government of Turkey have been made by LRWC regarding the cases of: Nurullah Albayrak, Eren Keskin, Selçuk Kozağaçlı, Şebnem Korur Fincancı, Ramazan Demir, Mustafa Aydin, Can Tombul, Taner Kilic and numerous other Turkish lawyers. LRWC has also made oral and written statements to the UN Human Rights Council and submissions to the UN Human Rights Council and Special Procedures regarding widespread persecution of lawyers, journalists and other human rights defenders through prosecutions, convictions, arbitrary detentions and other grave human rights abuses in violation of international law.

LRWC has just been advised that on 16 October 2019 the İstanbul Regional Court of Justice 2nd Penal Chamber (Court of Appeals) has rejected the appeals and confirmed the sentences imposed in March 2019 by the Istanbul 37th Heavy Penal Court on lawyers who are members of the Contemporary Lawyers’ Association (ÇHD). The convictions and sentences are contrary to international human rights law, contrary to Turkey’s constitution, and contrary to basic principles of fairness and justice. The alleged crimes that underlie these convictions would not be considered crimes in any country governed by the rule of law.  We urge you to intervene to ensure the release of those sentenced and the vacation and nullification of the convictions and sentences imposed.

An international delegation of lawyers who observed the March 2019 court proceedings that imposed the convictions and sentences, concluded that the, “trial is completely null and void” and called for, “the immediate acquittal of all defendants, to be attained through all possible judicial and legal means.”[1]

Background of this Case

This case involves the sentencing of 20 ÇHD lawyers.  The six lawyers, sentenced to less than five years in prison do not have the right to any further appeal. ÇHD lawyers sentenced to more than five years in prison, have a right to appeal to Turkey’s Supreme Court of Appeal.

Turkey: International Law Obligations to Release ÇHD Lawyers | Letter (TURKCE) (TURKCE) (TURKCE)

France: Ambiance tendue entre avocats et magistrats à Paris — Le délégué du bâtonnier est visé par une instruction. L’enjeu: les perquisitions dans les cabinets d’avocats.

le 23 octobre, 2019

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« Ça ne pouvait pas plus mal tomber. » Cet éminent membre de l’Ordre des avocats de Paris hésite entre perplexité, inquiétude et colère froide. Depuis juillet, une instruction est en cours au barreau, dans le cadre de poursuites disciplinaires contre l’un des plus proches collaborateurs du bâtonnier, son délégué aux perquisitions d’avocats, Vincent Nioré. Il lui est reproché d’avoir, en audience, tenu « des propos outrageants, insultes et menaces » à l’encontre de juges d’instruction et de Catherine Champrenault, procureur général de Paris, apprend-on au sein de la juridiction parisienne.
L’autorité de poursuites est ce haut magistrat lui-même, en charge de la régulation de cette profession réglementée. « Un acte rarissime, le troisième du genre dans toute l’histoire du barreau », souffle-t-on à l’Ordre. Ces poursuites ont été ordonnées après un bras de fer avec le bâtonnier Marie-Aimée Peyron qui a protégé son délégué et s’est refusé à le démettre ou à s’autosaisir à la demande du procureur général. « Une divergence d’appréciation sur la suite à donner aux incidents d’audience », regrette-t-on au sein de la juridiction parisienne tandis qu’au sein de l’Ordre, on note qu’« aucun incident d’audience n’a été notifié par le juge de la liberté et de la détention (JLD) en fonction ce jour-là ».
Depuis dix ans, Vincent Nioré, au nom du bâtonnier de Paris, accompagne les magistrats lors des perquisitions d’avocats, dans leur cabinet comme à leur domicile. Des actes d’enquête redoutés car traumatiques. Depuis le tournant des années 2010, 231 perquisitions ont eu lieu chez 179 avocats, par 230 magistrats dont 160 juges d’instruction. Le rôle de cet avocat, mandaté par son bâtonnier, est de veiller à ce que les magistrats respectent le secret professionnel des avocats, les droits de la défense, ne lancent de filets dérivants vers d’autres dossiers tentants et se limitent dans leur saisie à la seule procédure en cours. Seul averti, seul présent sur les lieux, tenu au secret, le délégué du bâtonnier, dans la foulée de perquisitions souvent marathon, va contester devant le JLD les saisies et demander la restitution des scellés. Un droit d’une grande complexité que peu maîtrisent, au point que l’avocat parisien en est la référence.
Une mise sous tension inévitable
À l’audience, le verbe est parfois d’autant plus haut que les avocats à défendre sont des notabilités peu habituées à être traitées comme des malfrats, ou de jeunes collaborateurs dont le cuir est encore tendre. Une mise sous tension inévitable, reconnue de manière constante par le Conseil d’État et la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme qui affirment d’autant plus « la liberté d’expression du requérant en sa qualité d’avocat » et « l’inscrit dans des limites (…) larges » que ces audiences sont à huis clos.
Il reste que cette affaire s’inscrit dans un climat délétère récurrent entre magistrats et avocats à Paris. Depuis le déménagement aux Batignolles, le torchon brûle : box vitrés dénoncés par le barreau pénal, limitation des échanges avec les magistrats au goût des avocats, et même heurts violents et expulsion d’audience. Au mois de mai, la pression est telle que Jean-Michel Hayat, encore président du TGI de Paris, et Marie Aimée Peyron, le bâtonnier, conviennent d’un courrier commun pour cautériser la plaie. Chacun rappelle, en des termes fermes, leur troupe aux règles du Palais. La pacification est devenue une priorité absolue également pour la Chancellerie, qui pilote, dans ses murs, des entretiens entre magistrats et avocats. « Nous sommes à un moment où la nouvelle loi sur la justice élargit les pouvoirs d’enquête des parquets », souligne un bon connaisseur du dossier. « La nouvelle police fiscale de Bercy va engendrer de nouvelles perquisitions dans les affaires économiques et financières. S’en prendre aux délégués du bâtonnier, c’est les tétaniser dans leur défense. » En 2014, dans la foulée des écoutes Sarkozy qui avait ouvert une crise sans précédent entre avocats et magistrats, c’est le président Hayat, lui-même, qui avait signé une paix des braves par une ordonnance historique… annulant une perquisition d’avocats.

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Algeria: Marche des avocats : Le barreau de Tizi Ouzou dénonce une tentative de division

le 23 octobre, 2019

Marche des avocats : Le barreau de Tizi Ouzou dénonce une tentative de division

L’ordre des avocats de Tizi-Ouzou, a dénoncé, ce mercredi, « une tentative » de diviser les rangs des avocats à la veille de leur marche nationale prévue demain jeudi à Alger et laquelle a appelé l’union nationale des ordres des avocats (UNOA). La marche devra débuter par un rassemblement devant le tribunal de Sidi Mhamed à partir de 10h00 avant de sillonner les rues du centre de la capitale.

Dans un communiqué rendu public et signé par Me Salah Brahimi, le barreau de Tizi-Ouzou s’est en effet dit « déçu par certains de ceux qui ont fait volte-face dans leur soutien à la Révolution du sourire, pour des raisons qui suscitent beaucoup d’interrogations (…) ».

« Si certains de nos amis sont devenus récalcitrants ou plus que cela, des opposants aux recommandations de l’AG de l’union du 06 juillet 2019, le barreau de Tizi-Ouzou, fidèle à ses engagements », affirme l’Ordre des avocats de Tizi-Ouzou.

Se disant qu’il « ne peut rester indifférent », il dénonce à travers son Bâtonnier « toute tentative » qui vise à faire diviser ses rangs. Par la même occasion, il assure « le peuple de son soutien indéfectible dans sa démarche pour un changement radical ».

Dans le même communiqué, est relevé qu’il y a des avocats qui veulent détourner la marche nationale des avocats de son lieu initial décidé lors du conseil de l’UNOA tenu le 12 octobre à la Cour Suprême. « Ceux qui ont essayé de diviser nos rangs et casser la dynamique de notre force en essayant de détourner l’itinéraire de la marche vers El Biar (Cour Suprême), doivent savoir que les avocats ne peuvent cautionner une telle tentative de faire faire échouer l’événement », lit-on dans le communiqué.

Soutien au détenus d’opinion

L’Ordre des avocats de Tizi-Ouzou affirme que la marche des avocats aura lieu dans le lieu décidé initialement tout en justifiant les raisons de ce choix. « Le rassemblement et la marche se tiendront devant le tribunal de Sidi Mhamed pour des raisons objectives : Les détenus d’opinion que nous défendons et qui croupissent depuis 04 mois dans la prison d’El-Harrach ont tous leurs dossiers dans ce tribunal devant lequel les familles des détenus organisent chaque jeudi un sit-in », précise la même source.

L’Ordre des avocats de Tizi-Ouzou, conclut en donnant rendez-vous demain matin à 10h devant le tribunal de Sidi Mhamed pour « réaffirmer » le soutien des avocats au HIRAK, exiger « la libération des détenus d’opinion pris en otage » et exiger « le respect de la volonté du peuple pour un changement radical et asseoir définitivement un État de droit qui respectera les principes des droits humains, des libertés individuelles et fondamentales : à savoir la liberté de circulation, la liberté d’expression et d’opinion. »

Marche des avocats : Le barreau de Tizi Ouzou dénonce une tentative de division

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Pakistan/Day of the Endangered Lawyer: Lawyer Irshad Nasreen kidnapped and tortured

October 23, 2019

Logo of Punjab Bar Council.jpg

Punjab Bar Council strongly condemns the cruel act of accused Nazar Fareed etc in which they kidnapped & brutally tortured Mrs. Irshad Nasreen Advocate depalpur. This inhumane act of the above persons is Unlawfull & highly immoral. Bearing in mind the very fact that the victim is a female advocate this act is highly condemnable. The Punjab Bar Council demands urgent action to be taken on this sensitive issue by the law enforcement agencies and the concerned officials.

Ch. Shah Nawaz Ismail Gujjar
Vice Chairman
Punjab Bar Council

Mr. Iftikhar Ibrahim Qureshi
Chairman Executive Committee
Punjab Bar Council.

(Punjab Bar Council Facebook, 23/10/19)


Pakistan: 10th DAY OF THE ENDANGERED LAWYER 2020 (24-01-2020) WITH THE FOCUS ON PAKISTAN: A struggle to protect Pakistani lawyers, especially against Islamic fundamentalism and terrorism — BASIC REPORT

Pakistan/Day of the Endangered Lawyer: Global bodies worry over Pakistani lawyers’ safety

Pakistan/Day of the Endangered Lawyer: January 24, 2020 PAKISTAN



Day of the Endangered Lawyer

China: China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group: Human rights lawyer Lu Siwei receives notification from Chengdu All China Lawyers Association’s Disciplinary Committee

October 21, 2019

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Sichuan Human rights lawyer Lu Siwei received a notification from Chengdu All China Lawyers Association’s Disciplinary Committee for allegedly violating rules while accepting to represent a defendant of a human rights case, and thus will be subjected to disciplinary punishment.

Lawyer Lu specializes in finance laws and criminal defense, and at the same time, took up human rights cases; he was notably among the lawyers who were set to represent one of the defendants in the June 4th Wine Bottle Case and the Pengxi County land seizure case. The disciplinary punishment issues by the Lawyers Association is likely to be associated with Lawyer Lu taking on the case of Lawyer Chen Jiahong, who has been suspected of committing “incitement to subvert state power.”

Lawyer Chen’s charge was probably based on his calligraphy piece against “the evil bureaucracy” and encouraging democracy which he created in April this year, leading to his detainment in Guangxi’s Yulin Detention Center, where Lawyer Lu visited him on 9th May. At the same time, a list of lawyers defending Lawyer Chen began circulating online, which triggered the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Justice to call for Lawyer Lu to return to Chengdu as soon as possible, and to notify the staff at his law firm not to sign any contract of authorization.

The next day (10th May), the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Justice received evidence from the Sichuan Department of Justice regarding Lawyer Lu possibly violating professional ethics and the disciplinary code, thus referring the case to the Chengdu All China Lawyers Association. On 4th June, the Lawyers Association’s Disciplinary Committee started investigating the allegations and found that Lawyer Lu violated rules when taking up a case, therefore planning on disciplinary punishment.

China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group: Human rights lawyer Lu Siwei receives notification from Chengdu All China Lawyers Association’s Disciplinary Committee





【Lawyer Lu Siwei’s Hearing】
At 2pm on Monday, Lawyer Lu Siwei attended a hearing regarding his alleged misconduct and consequent punishment by the Chengdu All China Lawyers Association at the Chengdu Legal Aid Centre.

The disciplinary punishment is likely associated with Lawyer Lu taking on the case of Lawyer Chen Jiahong, who has been suspected of committing “incitement to subvert state power.” The Lawyers Association’s Disciplinary Committee started investigating the allegations, and found that Lawyer Lu violated rules when taking up a case, therefore planning on disciplinary punishment, in addition to not allowing Lawyer Lu to pass the annual inspection for up to three months for the same reason.

Staff from the Consulate Generals of the USA, Germany, Canada, and the UK attended the hearing, but the moderator stated a fear for his own safety after their entry, saying that there were too many people in the meeting room, and requested that the members of the audience be limited to five only. A decision regarding Lawyer Lu has yet to be made, as it will be debated by the Chengdu All China Lawyers Association’s Disciplinary Committee.

#盧思位 #LuSiwei #聽證會 #人太多 #陳家鴻 #ChenJiahong #人權律師

中國維權律師即時資訊 Telegram Channel 👉🏻

⚖️ CHRLCG on IG:

(China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group / 中國維權律師關注組 Facebook, 23/10/19)


Turkey: House of Eren Keskin Raided by Police

October 23, 2019

Police raided the house of Human Rights Association (İHD) Co-Chair lawyer Eren Keskin last night. Keskin has deposed at the Anatolian Courthouse today. She is reportedly accused of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” on social media.

Police officers conducted a raid against the house of Human Rights Association (İHD) Co-Chair lawyer Eren Keskin last night (October 22).

While Keskin was not at home during the raid, police officers asked her mother where Eren Keskin was.

As reported by Mezopotamya Agency, Keskin has stated that she talked to the police after the raid. “They told me that I must go to the Anti-Terror Branch. And I told them that I would. I don’t know why they summoned me. It will get clear tomorrow”, Keskin has indicated further.

Speaking to bianet today, Zeynep Ceren Toprak, the lawyer of Keskin, has stated that her client went to the Anatolian Courthouse to depose. While Keskin has been accused of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” on social media, she will share the details about the issue on social media.

About Eren Keskin

Lawyer, the Editor-in-Chief and columnist of closed daily Özgür Gündem and founder of the Legal Aid Bureau Against Sexual Harassment and Rape in Custody. She is currently the Co-Chair of the Human Rights Association (İHD). She has been struggling for fundamental rights and freedoms in Turkey for years, especially for minority rights, gender equality and rights violations. There are still several ongoing lawsuits against her.

Eren Keskin has been granted several awards: Aachen Peace Prize (2004), Theodor Haecker Prize for Political Courage and Sincerity (2005), symbol figure for struggle against impunity on the International Freedom of Expression Network (IFEX) International Day to End Impunity (2013). (TURKCE) (TURKCE),23763 (TURKCE)

Thailand: June, defending her right to stand up for others in Thailand

The story of Sirikan “June” Charoensiri, human rights lawyer from Thailand

She never asked for any of it. Not the awards. Not the grave charges filed against her. All she ever wanted was to defend others in the courtroom, but she ended up having to defend herself.

Despite circumstances conspiring against her, the 33-year-old Thai human rights lawyer manages to draw strength from her predicaments.

Sirikan “June” Charoensiri (@JCharoensiri) carries the burden of responsibility with astonishing grit and perseverance. She is always humble but with a laser sharp focus on what needs to be achieved.


Self-granted special powers

On the day of the interview, June’s colleagues submitted a petition to amend or revoke at least thirty-five orders issued by the junta since the 2014 coup d’état in Thailand. Hundreds of pieces of law were passed in the past five years by the junta leadership, better known as the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO). The NCPO exercised its sweeping powers granted by the 2014 interim Constitution — and by and large confirmed by the 2017 Constitution — to issue judicial, legislative, and executive orders that can’t be challenged in the court.

Only a new parliament can roll back what June calls a “dictatorial legacy.” Prayuth Chan-ocha, former army chief and leader of the pro-junta Palang Pracharat Party, has already been reappointed as Prime Minister following the general election in March 2019. A new Cabinet is also in place, and several military orders and decrees have been lifted. But June remains concerned. “Many Thai people think the junta-era restrictions are over, but military authorities can still detain civilians up to seven days without judicial oversight. Also, offenses under NCPO decrees remain in place. So far, only 70 of the 557 decrees issues by the NCPO are being repealed (for more details read this analysis piece written by Thai Lawyers for Human Rights).”

‘Fast horse lawyers’

Before the 2014 coup happened, June was working in the southern region bordering Malaysia — an area under protracted violence for a long time. When martial law, in the wake of Thailand’s twelfth coup d’état, was implemented, she knew what would come. She met late one night with a few fellow lawyers. The small group decided to form a task force made up of lawyers, social activists, and volunteers, focused on preventing the abuse of power they all expected to occur.