Turkey: House of Eren Keskin Raided by Police

October 23, 2019

Police raided the house of Human Rights Association (İHD) Co-Chair lawyer Eren Keskin last night. Keskin has deposed at the Anatolian Courthouse today. She is reportedly accused of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” on social media.

Police officers conducted a raid against the house of Human Rights Association (İHD) Co-Chair lawyer Eren Keskin last night (October 22).

While Keskin was not at home during the raid, police officers asked her mother where Eren Keskin was.

As reported by Mezopotamya Agency, Keskin has stated that she talked to the police after the raid. “They told me that I must go to the Anti-Terror Branch. And I told them that I would. I don’t know why they summoned me. It will get clear tomorrow”, Keskin has indicated further.

Speaking to bianet today, Zeynep Ceren Toprak, the lawyer of Keskin, has stated that her client went to the Anatolian Courthouse to depose. While Keskin has been accused of “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” on social media, she will share the details about the issue on social media.

About Eren Keskin

Lawyer, the Editor-in-Chief and columnist of closed daily Özgür Gündem and founder of the Legal Aid Bureau Against Sexual Harassment and Rape in Custody. She is currently the Co-Chair of the Human Rights Association (İHD). She has been struggling for fundamental rights and freedoms in Turkey for years, especially for minority rights, gender equality and rights violations. There are still several ongoing lawsuits against her.

Eren Keskin has been granted several awards: Aachen Peace Prize (2004), Theodor Haecker Prize for Political Courage and Sincerity (2005), symbol figure for struggle against impunity on the International Freedom of Expression Network (IFEX) International Day to End Impunity (2013).



http://bianet.org/bianet/ifade-ozgurlugu/214833-eren-keskin-ifade-verdi (TURKCE)

https://www.gazeteduvar.com.tr/gundem/2019/10/23/eren-keskinin-evine-polis-baskini/ (TURKCE)

https://t24.com.tr/video/evi-basilan-ihd-es-genel-baskani-keskin-yargi-reformu-paketinin-cikarilacagi-gunlerde-boyle-durumlarin-yasanmasi-ironik,23763 (TURKCE)


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