Daily Archives: 25/12/2016

Pakistan: Teen killed over old dispute

December 25, 2016

Unidentified gunmen shot at and killed a lawyer at his office yesterday, a private yesterday.

The gunmen stormed into the office of Habibullah on Shalimar Link Road and fired a volley of bulltest at him, killing him on the spot, the channel reported.

Police reached the crime scene and collected forensic evidence. According to them, they were investing the matter and a search for the killers was underway.


Day of the Endangered Lawyer: JOURNÉE DE L’AVOCAT EN DANGER (Paris)


L’Observatoire international des avocats en danger (OIAD), l’AED, l’IDHAE, le SAF et l’AFAJA appellent les barreaux les barreaux et les avocats à se mobiliser le 24 janvier 2017, Journée de l’Avocat en Danger, pour manifester leur solidarité avec leurs confrères chinois.

La Journée de l’avocat en Danger (http://dayoftheendangeredlawyer.eu/) est une initiative internationale mise en place depuis plus de 7 ans par plusieurs organisations d’avocats qui permet, chaque 24 janvier, de mobiliser l’opinion publique autour de la situation de confrères menacés dans un pays particulier.

Après la situation des avocats en Iran, en Turquie, aux Philippines, au Pays Basque et au Honduras, la Journée de l’avocat en danger 2017 sera dédiée à la situation des avocats en Chine, victimes depuis des années de nombreuses mesures de représailles et de harcèlement de la part des autorités chinoises en raison de leur engagement pour la défense des libertés civiles, politiques, sociales et économiques de leurs concitoyens.

Ce 24 janvier 2017, l’OIAD, AED, l’IDHAE, le SAF et l’AFAJA notamment organisent à Paris une manifestation d’avocats en robe devant l’Ambassade de Chine, puis une conférence dédiée à la situation des avocats en Chine qui aura lieu à la Maison du Barreau (2, rue de Harlay), à partir de 15h30.

Les barreaux de France et du monde entier sont invités à organiser des conférences de presse ou tout autre évènement pour mettre en lumière la situation des avocats chinois et faire connaitre la Journée de l’avocat en danger.





China: Why Christmas time in China means jail for human rights activists

December 25, 2016

Pro-democracy demonstrators demand the release of mainland Christian rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong in a protest in Hong Kong on Friday.

As people celebrate around the world, a new Christmas tradition is increasingly popular in China: jailing political prisoners, hoping the distraction of the holiday season will lead to less attention.

This year is no different. Three human rights activists will come to trial in the next few days when many foreign diplomats, journalists and NGO observers are away from their desks.

On the Friday 23 December police confirmed they were investigating prominent Christian rights lawyer Jiang Tianyong on suspicion of “inciting subversion of state power”. He had been missing since November 21 and his family still does not know where he is being held.

Jiang’s wife, Jin Bianling, said the couple had been unable to celebrate Christmas since 2012 because of harassment from the police. Jin moved to the United States three years ago, but this is the first Christmas she has not been able to speak to her husband.

“He used to call and send photos every year and tell us how much he missed me, he didn’t want me to feel alone on Christmas,” Jin said, choking back tears. “But this year we don’t even know where he is, and we fear he may spend Christmas being tortured.”

A United Nations human rights panel shared her fears in a statement earlier this month: “We fear that Jiang’s disappearance may be directly linked to his advocacy and he may be at risk of torture.”




